I'm new here and I want to know if I'm going to fit in this community.
I think a better question is "What do you care about"? The posts that are the best-received here are the ones that are brought in by people who are interested and passionate about their subject. But then, What does it mean to be well received? Don't make posts to try and get people to like you or get other people's attention - do it because you like the subject and are passionate about it. If no one shares it? Unfortunate, but at the end of the day it's not about them, it's about you and your enjoyment of the subject.
I'm the kind of person who prefers to comment rather than to post, that's why I asked the question. Thanks for your recommendation and don't worry, I won't post something unless I find it interesting.
My favorite posts are those where users share their experiences, bonus points if there's something to learn. #sellingwithtng was probably my favorite series of posts.
Thanks for saying so. If you surround the tag with the pound sign it should create a hyper link: #sellingwithtng. I will be adding to the series soon!
If you take a look through the tags and different feeds you can get a feel for what kind of things are submitted here. That said, there isn't much in the way of a focus post wise, there is an avoidance of low effort content, which is good. But aside from that I'd recommend looking at tags, chatter, and community to see if you have an interest in what everyone is posting and talking about. Welcome to Hubski.
Thank you, I have a question: I have seen posts with 3 tags, most of the time the third tag is used to tag posts as spam, how is it added? Who adds it? I ask this because I have seen this user and all his posts are spam.
After your hub wheel in the top left corner gets filled up completely for the first time, you'll be able to add community tags. These are usually a third tag that people think might be relevant for the post. As a service, people will sometimes tag spam posts as spam. That way, it will not show up on the global feeds of anyone who filters the #spam tag.
Thank you. Edit: if more than one user wants to add a third tag, which tag is added?
Hmm. I'm not familiar with the specific mechanics. Maybe mk or thenewgreen could swing by and let you know. Also, in case you didn't know, you can put the "@" symbol on both sides of a username. This will not only link to their profile, but it'll also notify them that they have been mentioned and they will see your comment.
Yeah. It's the most recent tag, or it's the one most suggested. Most suggested supersedes most recent.
Let's test. I tagged it test1 Now you tag it test2 and we will have someone then tag it test 1 again Then we will attemp a test3
Okay. steve, kleinbl00 or ButterflyEffect or anyone reading this with the ability to community tag, try adding the tag #test3
I just tagged it test3 and it changed to test3.
that proves that it's the most suggested not the most recent that takes precedent. In the event that there is a tie between two tags, it goes to the most recently suggested of the two.
My head hurts from all this science. ... So wait a sec: two votes went in for test1. tehstone tried test3 (one vote) and failed, but the secret sauce remembered tehstone's attempt, so when bfx tried test3 - it said -- ahh, a new tag with two votes. So now presumably, if someone tried to tag it #test2nyehnyeh or whatever... that should be the newest at 2, but either #test1 or #test3 will supercede it? But just to make sure no one adds coyote juice to the secret sauce, no one gets more than one chance. Ahh science (my head hurts).
Thank you for testing this, it works in the best possible way.
Don't be afraid to break it, that's the only way to find bugs so they can be fixed. Do you remember the one character account bug that was discovered a few days ago? If nobody had tested that, today your account would be at risk of being hijacked by a malicious user.
Thank you, I don't know how I missed the notification for your reply. If I edit my answer does it notify new users I may add in the edition?
Can we test it? Instead of replying to me edit your comment.
Edits to comments don't prompt a new notification. However if you shout-out to a user in your edit, they'll receive that notification. See our primer page for more info. Cheers and welcome.
That was what I was trying to ask (shout-outs in edits), thanks for understanding my poorly worded question.
I like #goodlongreads and #tripreports. The first is the type of link that goes into a topic in some detail, though it's more than that. For me, a good long read is an article that isn't meant to make me angry or overly excited but rather to explain a subject in plain terms. Trip reports are great because they're experiences of people like you and me, and the poster is right here to answer questions.
Thank you for both tags, I think I'm going to enjoy #goodlongread.
What interests you have? You could talk about interesting aspects of whatever interest you have. Perhaps someone can learn something new from you or be hooked on to an activity they never knew about before.
I don't have too many interests, I came here hoping to find some new and interesting things. I'm going to spend most of my time reading what others post here.
Mostly I just read the NYT daily, and I post what I think are the best articles or opinions of the day for all the people who probably don't have a Times subscription. People ignore most of them, but then a few get a million shares. Honestly there's not a lot of thinking that goes into it on my end. If anyone hates NYT, they're free to ignore me. I don't think most people take getting ignored personally.
I may find some articles interesting, like this one, but I don't generally read newspapers from other countries. Probably a lot of articles from NYT won't be relevant here.
So Ginger Soul, this is how hubski works. You might think you are posting about one thing (what kind of posts do... etc), but it morphs into a post about something else (such as, how do community tags work?) And you suddenly have only 4 shares, but 29 comments.
It feels weird, it may take me some time to get used to it, I have been visiting hubski for some months but the discussions here seem to be too smart for me.
That's just pubescent, thank you very much! :P But yes, I credit Hubski with 100% of my academic success. And my typing speed. GingerSoul
May I ask you an unrelated question? I know when to use the hubwheel to share posts but what are the "implicit" rules for comments? When do people usually "share" a comment?
I'm not sure comments are exactly "shared" although this thread suggests that they might be shared via chatter. I don't know if it was implemented. mk might know. I'm sure there are many discussions on when or why people show appreciation for a comment. This might be the definitive one People will circledot a comment for any of the following reasons, and many more: They think the comment is good and adds to the discussion. They want the commenter to know that someone out in the wilderness has happened by and sipped from the same stream. They giggled at the comment and it cheered them up. or course, I shouldn't talk about "people." I circledot comments for those reasons but probably most of the time, it's to build the self-esteem of the comment-maker. I don't know if a circledot actually does build the self-esteem of the comment-maker, but there's some sadness in the hubskiverse and we do what we can. (Right steve) :-)
I assume this is so, because every time someone post, "I'm having a bad day :(" it usually gets voted to infinity in six or eight minutes. I suppose it's a way of showing empathy in the mildest possible way. Not that there's anything wrong with that. Although I don't normally pile on, I find it kind of endearing. I'm a closet softie.I don't know if a circledot actually does build the self-esteem of the comment-maker, but there's some sadness in the hubskiverse and we do what we can.
dammit lil... how can you be so profound in such a casual manner? You have this way of dropping insight and wisdom into even the slightest passing comment. I love the way you write.someone out in the wilderness has happened by and sipped from the same stream.
That post has very nice answers. Also you were (and maybe still are) very similar to me:I just don't generally look at pictures and mostly never watch videos that are posted or listen to music.
I will have to restrict myself a bit with this because the quality of the comments I have seen here in the month I have been lurking makes me want to share all of them.
I'm always looking for interesting audio stories. I'm currently doing a lot of data entry for my job so getting a nice, long, informational story is good. And, while I do love podcasts, I do have a weird prejudice against the talking head podcasts that just put 5 people in a room and never seem to cut anything. It's well produced or nothing for me.
As others have said, whatever your interests lead you too really. If I'm honest, my main interest (playing sport) isn't really catered to here - it's just not that kind of forum - so I use Hubski to introduce me to some new interests. Spend some time looking through tags and you'll have a pretty nifty home page full of interesting articles in no time.