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comment by War
War  ·  3232 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Why Bernie Sanders Already Won

I think it just goes to show how many Americans are not educated on the political process. Many people I've talked to cannot understand why not voting, or even worse voting against Clinton is a pretty bad thing. The number of times I read or hear "maybe we should get Trump, shake up/destroy the establishment" is actually alarming. I mean it's pretty upsetting how little is understood about how government works. I'm not saying I'm some master, but I have enough knowledge to understand the importance of voting.

kleinbl00  ·  3232 days ago  ·  link  ·  

They've got eight months to figure it out and as you've pointed out, there are some fundamental, easy truths there.

Deltron_0  ·  3232 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Consider the possibility: a large number of voters for Trump are willing to accept a large part of his opinions he shares in which they disagree with - knowing they would not ideally come to pass through the structure of our government i.e. Congress and the Judicial branch.

I called this event happening over three years ago to a family friend - who happens to be a U.S. Senator....sitting around a fire - I warned them of the abhorrent gridlock within our legislature would spawn the opportunity for an individual to come to power solely out of their aggression towards the establishment in D.C..

Though Trump is a bit more developed than just a single message of anger (sometimes), I'm no longer worried the result will end in the complete destruction of our governing tenets, a true fascist coming to power, and the fundamentals of our governmental framework being supplanted for any tangible socio-economic architecture that - at the very least - will bring reform. There is little intelligent representation in favor of Donald Trump on the internet (that or I just haven't cared to look) - But there are a lot of living breathing individuals who do support him.

I'm an optimist - and like to think that - if Trump gets elected, he will force the legislature to get their act together - and not necessarily act to support his decrees.

tehstone  ·  3230 days ago  ·  link  ·  


But remember this?

Trump is petty and vindictive and hates being made fun of. My theory is that he's running as a giant "fuck you" to everyone who laughed at him before.