I have been very open about how much the situation I'm in with my best friend (i.e. unreciprocated attraction) sucks. But if I know one thing, it's that if I hadn't told her how I feel, I would be in an even shittier place right now.There was one time where I clearly did the "logical, right, and correct thing", and didn't follow my heart. And I still think about her several times a week...
For me it was moving back to the USA, and leaving a relationship with a lovely woman behind. We had been dating for a while, it was good, but it wasn't let's-move-in-together-and-have-babies serious... and I needed to either leave the country, or commit to becoming a full citizen of the EU instead of just a long-term tourist. Job prospects had dried up. I had just come out of a bad relationship, and wasn't sure I should jump into another one.... and so logic told me to go "home", be near my parents again, and rebuild my life in the US. So I did. My heart wanted to stay, and it still twinges when I think about it.
fuck effortlessness. fuck that. try really hard and let everyone see. yeah whatever I just quoted mitski on twitter to you deal with it I'm on IRC with Q and / join usmitski @mitskileaks 19 Aug 2015