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comment by ecib
ecib  ·  4505 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Hubski Update: Goodbye columns.
Whoah. Just logged in. First impression is that I am loving this big time. So clean and easy to read.

Great on iPad and phone. One problem with iPhone though. When you doubly to to bring the single column up to size, the control panel hovers over and blocks the pages instead of staying out to the left. Same if you zoom in on the column. ThAs pretty broken right now, but once it's fixed this will be great.

mk  ·  4505 days ago  ·  link  ·  
Currently I see two fixes for this. One is to disable the fixed positioning on mobile and tablets, and the other is to let the panel float underneath the feed when you zoom on the feed. I'm actually leaning towards the second, and will probably try that first. The problem is that fixed elements don't relate to the others, so you can't detect the overlap.

Having the panel slide under the feed might work, because when you zoom out or slide left it should pop out. I'll give it a go once I get to my pc. On an iPad atm.

Btw, glad you dig the update.

mk  ·  4503 days ago  ·  link  ·  
So I changed the z-index of the control panel to fall under the feed. Sometimes it takes a moment, but on our iPad it greatly improves the functionality. Let me know what you think.