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"Advocates for open government have been pushing the Supreme Court for decades to reveal its work in progress to the public at large. And they have had successes. The court once squirreled away audio recordings in the National Archives, often long after the cases had been argued. Today, those recordings are posted to the Supreme Court website every Friday during argument sessions. But video has proven a step too far. With the court expected to release this week its decision on the constitutionality of the health care bill, Chairman Patrick Leahy and Ranking Member Chuck Grassley of the Senate Judiciary Committee are prodding Roberts to let cameras in." - RWW
thenewgreen · 4624 days ago · link ·
I'm not sure how I feel about allowing cameras in the court, at least not for "real time" streaming. I hate the idea of the scotus becoming like the O.J Simpson trial. Also, I wouldn't want to encourage the judges to "perform", I'd rather them feel comfortable knowing it was only their thought process and decisions that were scrutinized. Not their demeanors.
I agree. The decision is the most important. How they got to that decision is important too, but I don't believe I need to see physical anguish on their face to know how difficult it was. Additionally, there is the little earned by cable news clowns dissecting their body language and hairstyle choice.
thenewgreen · 4622 days ago · link ·
If you hear or read any media outlet claiming that this is about "transparency", hold your nose and leave the room 'cause it's total horse shit. It's all about ratings and having something, anything to report on in our 24/7 news cycle.
cynthianews · 4624 days ago · link ·
Good point, I just want to watch them come to historic rulings live.
thenewgreen · 4623 days ago · link ·
I suppose if they were to do anything on TV, it should only be the reading of the decision.