I cannot lie. Maybe it's not the best monologue but it was so surprising, the movie is so surprising. Jean-Claude must have one of the biggest Rotten Tomatoes point spreads for a leading man, a giant ass 83 point spread. JCVD was the 83. It's a strange and surprisingly decent film with heart. I don't know that can recommend watching the monologue if didn't put the work in to get to the point it happens, it might lose most of it's emotional weight. Maybe ThatFanficGuy can say a few things about the film, I know it touched him as well. It's got a lot of heart and it's like nothing I've seen before.
Only that it's a truly beautiful film. It's a life story unlike so many of the flicks Hollywood tosses out every year. You may know that I have trouble with empathy; this film brought me to tears and made me rethink what the hell am I doing with my life. Definitely watch the film whole, not just the monologue. It gives the speech important context.
Thank you for this. That was beautiful. I had no idea...
Or at least take a few minutes and watch the opening take. Watch it with decent sound, because that's Baby Huey "Hard Times" one of his greatest songs. My roommates were trying to get me to watch this thing and I wanted no part of it. Bloodsport was decent but most JCVD movies are turd piles. My buddies girl friend was even insisting that I watch it, that it would be different from any other JCVD movie I'd ever seen. I'm not a guy who backs down or changes my mind all that often but they wore my ass down. Cue the film and this is the opening of the totally different Van-Damm film? WTF are you guys trying to sell me, well at leas the music is waaayy better than average, and then the real film starts and you go somewhere else.