So, story time. My best man got married two years ago and for his stag he was dressed in a skirt, tank-top and bonnet and made to get as many pictures with people in a local mall. On top of that he was made to drag around a literal ball-and-chain. Apparently this sort of thing is tradition among our larger group of friends.
On Saturday I got treated to being dressed in overalls, gumboots, and straw hat while carrying around a chicken with a hat of it's own as well as a bandana (no pics yet until the guys get back to me with them). Unfortunately I wasn't allowed to bring the chicken into the local mall (although we did get a picture with a cashier at KFC). Security told us that we had to keep things not too crazy, in between telling us how when he was young he got a friend so drunk they handcuffed him, nude, to a shopping cart and light pole for the night.
Once we returned the chicken to his home, I had a series of tasks including proposing to a number of people and getting marriage 'essentials': condoms, lube, a book of 'positions', and a photo of me posing on a bed at Sears among other things. Afterwards I had to go to the busiest intersection in town, with a sign that said "Getting Married. Need $" and a squeegee (which was to help pay for the dinner). I didn't end up making much in the hour I was out there, but I did get lots of free advice (divorce is expensive, etc) and an offer of $5 for a blowjob.
After all of this I was rewarded with dinner, drinks, and a night of video games with friends (and the relief of never having to do that again).
So as thenewgreen gets ready to go to Vegas, and my cousin tells me about a weekend long bachelor party in the Okanagan valley he went to, I realize that not everyone has had the same experience as I (and I have no idea about bachelorette parties). Anyone else have bachelor/bachelorette party stories to make me feel like I didn't get the short end of the stick?
- it started to feel like we were having a wedding for everyone else.
At the time of my wedding we were living in Michigan. My friends threw me a bachelor party in Windsor at the Casino there. It was a great time, I don't recall much of it... but I hear I had a lot of fun. Bachelor parties can be great, especially now that I'm getting older. They have become a reason for me to see old high school/college friends that I don't often see, in an environment that isn't so different from college. Lot's of drinking and camaraderie. From what I've gathered from forwardslash and my own experiences, some stags are good and some are really lame. Like anything, it's all about the company. Congrats again forwardslash! Have a fantastic wedding!!
The stores that I would want to register at do not offer registry services. What stores did you pick?
We chose Bed Bath and Beyond and Sears. I personally would not recommend Sears as their online registry system is horrible. Bed Bath and Beyond, however, is awesome. They have most everything you need (except for the Xbox 360 I put on the Sears registry) and are very helpful.