Instead of marveling at the number of books, articles, and documentaries he produced, some of the author’s friends muttered about the quantity of booze he drank. Now medical science backs his long-held belief that booze is a subtle weapon. Plus: Hitch’s tips on drinking right.
Great read, I miss Hitch. I found this piece of advice particularly on point:
I would disagree slightly with the "pick a decent product and stay with it", but only when you are newly initiated, in which case you should utilize a bar/restaurants expansive selection to try new things. I'm glad I did or I would still be drinking Ten High, which certainly saw me through many a college evening but doesn't hold mustard to my current "house muse", Knob Creek and Makers Mark. Though I've been enjoying more Scotch lately. I also think having a sip or two, or three of Absinthe every once in a while is nice. Though I wouldn't drink two glasses a day for health benefits. I keep a bottle in the house for the occasional late night "luge"I once researched this for a solemn article and found that if you just ask for, say, vodka-and-tonic the barman is entitled to give you whatever he has on hand, which is often a two-handled jug labeled “Vodka” under the bar. It can be even worse with scotch, where imitation blends are rife. Pick a decent product and stay with it. Upgrade yourself, for Chrissake. Do you think you are going to live forever?
"dance with the one that brung 'ya". Words to certainly drink by. In my younger days I was all over the floor, and consequently, the floor is usually where I ended up.
I still mix it up too much. After doing that wine tasting in Northern MI, I realized I'm not drinking enough wine. I really enjoy drinking red wine. Last night I had the better part of a bottle of Pinot Noir and recorded/listened to music, it was great.