Wow. That’s some crazy shit. The title of his play just made me laugh out loud in a restaurant. Angry at this turn of events, Steen wrote a play — The Tragical History of Audrey Geisel or How the Grinch Plagiarized My Goddamn Children's Story —
Hahahaha! I found a video of Charles talking about the case. He dressed like this about 80% of the time. It in no way imparts how what a strange man he was. He slept in a little attic room of our house for about a month while he was going through the Seuss law suit, I can't believe that my roommates didn't kill me for letting him in the front door. His grandfather was known as The Uranium King!
Wow, again. I watched the video. He is quite a character. You must have had patient roommates. More impressive though is the story of the Uranium King. That’s a hell of a story: Never bet the farm on Arabian horse breeding. That sounds like such a “new money,” thing to do. Lol. Craziness. You never know where a post about teaching Dr. Seuss to kids will take you.... Thanks for the worm hole. I enjoyed it.