edit: works great! just took a minute to load.
it just didn't load data at first. It just loaded the Currently, Today, Friday, Saturday sections. I shrugged my shoulders and checked email. . A few minutes later, I came back to the tab, noticed that the sections seemed really far apart. As soon as I resized my window, they populated. I don't know if it was a glitch or if just happened to populate exactly when I resized the window. . Now it loads fine (takes about 15-20 seconds), and no resizing the window needed. Weird. The slow load could be my home internet which has been shite for the last week.
FYI - Same experience for me yesterday and today. Eight unpopulated boxes for more than a minute. Went away. Came back, and it loaded. On Mac running Chrome. Potentially material side-note: I opened it by Command-Clicking the link, which opens it in a new tab, but doesn't switch to that tab automatically. I finished reading the posts on this page, then switched to the Hubski Weather tab... and it was like it hadn't actually loaded anything in the background. Like the moment I switched to the tab, was the first time the page tried to draw. Is there some sort of "wait for focus" thing, that is stopping it from loading until its window is in the front...? (That'd be weird, but... I dunno... it occurred to me.)