I use gmail as my primary email. The spam filtering is brilliant.
About once a week I check my Spam filter, which will have somewhere between 3k and 7k messages in it. (I've had this email address for a LONG time.) I scroll through the first page or two out of some false sense of caring, and then Delete All.
Last month, all my spam started coming in German. One week it was all English - The next week German. And it has remained that way for several weeks now.
I'm sure this Means Something. Digital tea leaves. Layers of mystery...
Herzliche Glückwünsche! Bitte teilen Sie Ihre sozialen Sicherheitsnummer und Bankdaten. Wir werden das Geld bald an Sie senden.
99%* of spam for one of my email accounts is in Chinese. None of the other accounts gets Chinese spam. shrug emoticon * made up big percentage
All my junk mail comes from the Trump campaign. It's actually amazing - seven or eight pieces a day and maybe one of them clears the filter. They are the only political emailer I get that can't seem to beat the spam filter. On a more serious note, 3CX has some... aggressive DDOS/Phishing countermeasures. You log in wrong three times and it will blacklist your IP for 24 hours. Which means if the student midwife puts the wrong password into her phone she takes the whole goddamn office down. Don't like that? whitelist your IP. Dynamic IP? Stop being a loser. Anyway. It sends me helpful emails whenever it decides to blacklist IPs. They used to be largely in Slovenia but lately they're all Contabo IPs.