I've got Rising of the Lights, Teeth, Winde, and Falling Off a Horse in St. Martin's Field
I got “dropsie” which is funny because we still use that term with fish for edema. Guess I need some bloodletting...
Kingsevill (scrofula) - had to look up the condition. We had a weird history choice at school - one choice included "Modern history" (which obviously means recent European history) and the other included "The history of medicine" but the weird part was the history of the Mormons - no seriously. The English school system decided in their infinite wisdom that it was important to educate the next generation of the workforce on Joseph Smith and his antics. The medicine part was as awesome as it was gruesome though. Imagine being a teenage lad and studying about early operations and doctors getting high on ether. Fantastic. Until the 18th century, doctors thought the only way to cure the disease was to be touched by a member of a royal family.
Rickets. Went out like a rickety cricket. Funny, 'cuz I'm currently taking vitamin D pills, which would completely prevent rickets.
Griping in the guts Apparently what I needed wasInto a quarter of a pint of brandy, put a toast of bread whilst very hot ; and as soon as it is thoroughly drenched, let the patient take it out, and eat it hot: and this may be repeated, if there be need, two or three times a day.