Wow, I guess the maps are lagging that.
Yeah, but who knows, the major news networks have improperly called victory before. So much hate and anger on the Right in the chat rooms. It's really disturbing stuff.
This is the main reason why I was not even worried about a clear path to victory for Obama in all the pre-election media hyping a 'close race'. I wasn't really even too plugged into the Nate Silver hype, but I was just looking at all the polls in the aggregate by state (popular vote obv doesn't matter). All the polling pointed to Obama in extremely good shape, with a lot of close swing states that were leaning towards Obama. A statistically significant surprise won't raise an eyebrow. Two might. Multiple swing states polling and trending consistently for Obama all being wrong...I'm sorry, but the term "statistically significant" means something, and you don't want to be on the wrong side of it at the blackjack table. I wasn't surprised to learn that Silver's approach was stats based and aggregated state polls to minimize error. I didn't really have an opinion of my own on how the states were going to go. My opinion was really just whatever aggregate polls were saying. That's it. I thought Florida was going Romney only because I stopped reading the polls a couple days before the election. I guess Sliver swapped it from Romney to Obama the night before based on the latest aggregates. And that's all you really need to know.
It's funny, in a way 2016 begins now. That's how crazy this process has become. As for the house, I'm not sure too much will change really. Why should it? They still have to face their electorate, they still have to make sure that whomever gets the GOP nod in 2016 can say, "enough is enough". 2016 starts now and the House is a big part of that.