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comment by thenewgreen
thenewgreen  ·  4300 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: There is no Reddit migration

    at least let me refer to older post they've made and commented on to see if I want to follow them or not.
-Click on their name, click on "posts" or "comments" depending on which you would like to see. You can also see what they've "shared". This handles your first paragraph.

    Fix the password request and user sign up page(sometimes like when I tried to recover my password today it referred to a 404 page). Also sometimes when you send messages it simply goes to a 403 page and instead of telling you what part of the forum is incorrectly filled out.
This is a good point. Thanks.

    Time stamp things to let me know when it was posted. Sometimes commenting on things that are days old isn't worth it.
The lack of a time signature in your feed is intentional. If a subject is interesting, why wouldn't it be worth commenting on regardless of when it was posted? Just because an hour, a day, a week or even a year has passed doesn't mean the conversation has to end. Also, we are adjusting the algorithm so that it is more reflective of activity than time of post.

    Make links or make an option to have shared links open in a new tab in the user control panel.
Click on "tabs" under the link. Is this what you mean?

Welcome to Hubski ToxicAirEvent, I see you joined a while ago, still if you have any questions feel free to pm me. Hope these answers helped a bit and thanks for the suggestions.

alvin  ·  4292 days ago  ·  link  ·  

    Also, we are adjusting the algorithm so that it is more reflective of activity than time of post.

This. I'm very new here, but I have studied online conversational spaces. And one of the biggest challenges for Hubski seems to be giving users the sensation that they aren't at a party by themselves.

    If a subject is interesting, why wouldn't it be worth commenting on regardless of when it was posted?

I'm posting this now, but I am quite confident nobody but you will read this -- and if you don't respond, I will be writing into the vacuum that is the internet, so there will be no feedback loop for me. So I think you guys are on the right track as far as indicating the "activity" of a post. But I'm finding it very difficult to create a pleasant community experience here because, as a new user, I constantly feel like I'm in an empty room; my home page is the "feed" which is only populated if I follow people I dont know; the first page on "global" is the newest posts, where nobody has arrived to the party; clicking on "chatter" is just awkward for me because I don't actually know anyone there; and I can't follow tags to populate by feed, which means I can't find people to follow without going to "discover."

Anyway, I really want to like hubski and will continue to give it a chance!

thenewgreen  ·  4292 days ago  ·  link  ·  

    And one of the biggest challenges for Hubski seems to be giving users the sensation that they aren't at a party by themselves.
I agree Alvin, this is an important problem to tackle. Nobody wants to take the time to craft a thoughtful comment/post only to have it gather dust. There are two things that can help with this 1. The "chatter" feed that we recently introduced is something that we have had behind the scenes and have used a lot. It's nice to have and certainly helps stimulate conversations. 2. More users. -We're working on this.

    clicking on "chatter" is just awkward for me because I don't actually know anyone there;

Your feedback is great Alvin and it is much appreciated. The analogy of going to a "party" is a good one. The thing is, just like when at a party, you get more out of it when you walk up to a circle of conversation, introduce yourself and join in. Otherwise, you become a wall-flower and get little out of the experience.

Moving forward Hubski needs to have more people at the party and needs to make it easy to find the "circles of conversation".

alvin  ·  4292 days ago  ·  link  ·  

This is all great to hear. Thanks for the response.

    Otherwise, you become a wall-flower and get little out of the experience.

So no use-case for lurkers?

thenewgreen  ·  4292 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I think lurkers can have a great experience here, that's not what you were addressing. You seemed to be interested in stimulating conversation. Lurkers by nature aren't interested in that. I know a number of people that use Hubski strictly as content discovery site. They're not much interested in conversing just reading. That's great and I think the "global" links help this out tremendously. You can see posts at every iteration of their evolution and "lurk" accordingly. I love lurkers. Especially lurkers that use the "share" button.

mk  ·  4292 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Thanks for the feedback, alvin. Some good points. In many ways, new users deal with a chicken or egg problem. It's something that we need to improve upon. I am convinced that adding commenting activity to the feed algorithm will help with the empty room feeling. That should be rolled out very soon. Definitely feel free to send feedback and suggestions as you spend a bit more time feeling things out.

alvin  ·  4292 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Thanks for the response. Out of curiosity, what are the mechanisms you guys think about when implementing features for this site? And what is the mission here?

mk  ·  4292 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Our primary goal is to support/promote good conversations on a diverse variety of topics. We want the user to be able to customize their own Hubski experience while keeping the signal to noise high.

The direction we take is mostly informed by our own use of the site, and from feedback from others in the community.

ToxicAirEvent  ·  4300 days ago  ·  link  ·  

>-Click on their name, click on "posts" or "comments" depending on which you would like to see. You can also see what they've "shared". This handles your first paragraph.

Missed that sorry. I will still say if I refer to say your post page(http://hubski.com/posts?id=thenewgreen) In the sidebar maybe say that I'm viewing your post and give a nav option to view your comments and other info from right there instead of having to click on your name again somewhere on the page and then waiting for the pop-up and then clicking again and waiting for the page to load.

You can streamline a step or two out of that with some slightly better navigation. Also while I'm on it if you move some of that user info on the post page to the sidebar give the option to follow them in there with their sorting information since a lot of people are probably going to decide to follow a user based on their post.

>Click on "tabs" under the link. Is this what you mean?

Sort of. I mean that does work. I'd like to just be able to click on the external link and have it auto open in a new tab via a user configured setting rather than having to click over to the new tab link. That said not to big of a deal because you have the tab link and I can just click center on the scroll wheel.

>The lack of a time signature in your feed is intentional. If a subject is interesting, why wouldn't it be worth commenting on regardless of when it was posted?

There is something to be said for that. At the same time news events can somtimes move quickly and the topic can still be interesting but knowing how long ago the headline/thing was posted can be helpful because it might mean you want to go hunting for a newer post with newer info. I can take it or leave it with the lack of time stamps however.

thenewgreen  ·  4300 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Some great points, thank you. I like the idea of having the user that posted the contents info automatically on the side bar so you can follow them immediately without having to click on their name. mk, food for thought.

We've discussed having an option in controls so that you can enable "tabs" always being "on" thereby foregoing the button.

Thanks for the feedback. Again, welcome. Let me know if I can be of any help. See you around.