I think this is an amazing concept. We've had discussions about what we think love is or how it feels, but how do we visually perceive it? Post photos, descriptions, gifs, or videos. I'd like to see who and what makes Hubski feel love.
My lady:
Edited for lil
These are the things I love most.
My girl
My team and my runs:
My music:
My travels:
My friends:
My family:
My passion:
Thanks for sharing these. It seems you live a truly happy life. Except that the Red Wings can't hold a torch against the Blackhawks. Is that you're band? If so, do you have any recordings?
Oh my goodness. Dude, this music is incredible. Wow. You guys should try to get a show in Chicago. Nick's Beer Garden is a bar that always has good music. I suggest this place because all of the larger venues only have bands that tour the country. I've been to my friend's shows here before and it's a nice place. Update: Each track is better than the previous. This really is an amazing album.
Thank you for the kind words, and I see that you downloaded the album. Enjoy it, Sherritt, Sharon, share it! We make music so that people can hear it, not so that we can make money because well, I don't think we could. :-) That was supposed to read share it, share it, share it! -but I liked Siri's version even more. Thanks for the venue tip. We've not played together in over a year but I have hopes of playing out again after releasing our 3rd album. Thanks again!
Oh yes. Right now I'm on Grow Up. This has such a great groove! Haha, she can have a mind of her own sometimes.
You're doing the world a disservice by not performing live.
Be like the Blues Brothers: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dzOHq5WbQ8k
Thanks, trust me I would like to be playing live very much. However my band is in Michigan and I am currently in North Carolina. Who knows what the future holds? Grow up is likely my favorite track off of the album. Enjoy the rest! Any feedback is most welcomed.
This is my girlfriend, my brother, my youngest sister, and myself. This photo was taken about 3 years ago.
My girlfriend and I go to school outside Chicago, but we're both from Kansas City (where my family is). Every Christmas we make sure we make a gingerbread house together. These are the people (and my mother also) whom I love the most in this world. This is what love looks like to me.
Oh geeze, what is love? I don't have a visual... To my dad, love is protection. Financially and physically. To my mom, love is a hot meal, and a clean bed. To me, love is a game with people who make me laugh and whom I can make laugh.