The other substance to the article is in pointing out that Maker's Mark sucks balls. I'm not a big fan of bourbon to begin with, but the author is right that Bulleit blows it out of the water. In general, the only type of American whiskey I keep in the house is Rye. I try to preach it to people whenever they will listen. Rye is so much more pleasant than bourbon. Bulleit and Jim Beam make decent ones, and most Canadian whiskey has a high percentage of rye. Its the reason a $13 bottle of Canadian club beats the shit out of a $25 bottle of Jack Daniels or Maker's Mark any day.
I'm very surprised on the number of upvotes a comment about how shitty MM is has gotten. I guess I'm not the only hater out there. We all need to unite and have a New Whiskey Rebellion.
Google led me here:
That way when they said, "To the King," they were really saying, "To the King over the water," referring to the Stuarts living in exile.
I liked this bit of trivia, thanks. I don't mind Makers Mark but I would agree with b_b that Bulleit blows it out of the water. I prefer Scotch whiskey.
Must try Bulleit, then. I like MM, I drink it 50/50 with water. But I like all whiskys.