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comment by sounds_sound
sounds_sound  ·  4142 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: What cover songs do you think are well done?

To me, a good cover is one that doesn't make me want to immediately listen to the original. It satiates me on it's own special level. That's why EVERY SINGLE Beatles cover just isn't good. It just isn't. But what about enter random cover here? Yeah, no. It's not. But here are some good ones covering other bands:

Sea and Cake - Sound and Vision - Bowie

Lassigue Bendthaus - Ashes to Ashes - Bowie

Nirvana - Man who sold the World - Bowie

José González - Heartbeats - the Knife

Frente! - Bizarre Love Triangle - New Order

Smashing Pumpkins - Landslide - Stevie Nicks

David Bazan - Packt Like Sardines - Radiohead

cgod  ·  4142 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Heartbeats is a really fantastic cover, blows me away how good and different both the original and his version is.

AshShields  ·  4142 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Is that Smashing Pumpkins cover a redub or something? It's absolutely beautiful, wow.

Edit: Whoops, turns out I'm thinking of a completely different song. My bad. Still absolutely beautiful.