I just returned from the annual Bridges Mathematical Art conference in the Netherlands and my animated picture took "Best of Show". Here's a 2 minute clip of the piece. The gallery piece was a perpetually looping clip in a 15" digital frame.
It shows all five Platonic solids made from the same six human figures, transforming one to the next.
Can somebody explain to me why the creation of such a bizarre film clip was necessary? Also, and i do not at all intend for this to sound aggressive, but why to you, is this art? I ask with genuine interest.
If necessity were the only impetus for the creation of art, the world would be a very dull place. I can't speak for the artist, and luckily I don't have to: http://nakedgeometry.com many of the shapes and designs are described on the site along with references to their importance, but to me this is certainly "art". Why is it not art is the question I would pose to you.
I would define art as something providing sensory input of any kind which has the power to evoke emotion without out the necessary use of an external aid (such as an explanation or sob story).