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hubskier for: 4192 days
That singer's hair was scarier than those clowns
-She screamed into the darkness and the darkness screamed back. -Never has a body taken so long to fall over, never has an action been regretted so fast.
It's not really a case of wanting to play two videos at once, as much as i want to watch one while a second is given time to buffer.
I love the design. It's very easy to use. One thing i would like different would be for it to be possible to have multiple movie's loading on the same page simultaneously (when i click 'watch movie' while another is already open, it closes the first). I know nothing of web design so if there is a reason for this featuer then i apologise for bothering you.
I'm sure it gives the impression of me being a typical unintelligent arrogant teenager, but i truly adore that one line. While it remains my favourite quote, the following resonates with me on a very personal level which i cannot quite put into words.To die would be a wonderful adventure
-Peter PanShe screamed into the darkness, and the darkness screamed back.
- a source i'd rather not share, but someone close to me.
You wouldn't wear a Facebook shirt. You wouldn't wear a Reddit shirt. you wouldn't wear a 4Chan shirt. Why would you wear a Hubski shirt? I don't mean to be rude, but unless you directly work as part of the Hubski team, i can't see why you would wear this.
This almost makes me wish i could go to university...
Fucking fantastic. All the torrent links i've hit up so far have been clean (as in, no nasty software/viruses) .