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hubskier for: 3553 days
Pizza done cooking Dropped it all over myself Hard to sleep with burns
How odd. You've made an account to spread the word about a convoluted site concerning Bob Dylan?
I pretty much feel the same. The whole debacle was predictable from the first wave of posts. Even if voat was open and ready, the effect it would have had on Reddit would have been absolutely trivial.
I approve of the name! From a completely impersonal, unbiased standpoint - trust me :D
Most of Reddit knows about voat - there were multiple frontpage posts about it. So, if voat was open, the migration (however short it may have lasted) would have probably been much more visible. There was also a very popular thread about alternatives, as well as an entire subreddit for it (/r/redditalternatives) - Redditors really had no need to google it. So I don't think search trends are a very accurate estimate of how many would have left in the right circumstances.
Makes sense, though I'm pretty new - I'd love to hear an experienced user/admin's thoughts.
People were angry because they felt Reddit had betrayed their whole 'free speech' philosophy. Reddit's a place where people can make a community about anything, as long as it's legal. So, when their legal subreddit about hating fat people got banned, they cried out about censorship, hypocrisy, and lies. From my understanding, the admins' justification as to why they banned /r/fatpeoplehate was that its users were actively harassing other subreddits and communities - and they were banning behavior, not ideas or free speech. Some people didn't accept that, and still believed it was straight censorship. Others believed that banning an entire subreddit for the actions of a few users was wrong. It just keeps going from there. Ultimately, Reddit can do whatever they want, including bending their own rules and philosophies - but they'll anger the community doing so, understandably. Many were okay with the whole deal because /r/fatpeoplehate is widely considered to be a cesspool. But a lot of people weren't okay with it, regardless of their opinion on the specific subreddits involved.
Skittles - the closest you'll ever get to drowning your own saliva!
More like people who don't feel the need to put up with the kind of bullshit you're spewing.
Agreed. Posting on Reddit often feels pointless and unsatisfying. If you rarely get upvoted, you feel like you might as well not be posting at all. What's to enjoy about making posts that feel like they're not liked or even seen? That's why karma feels good. It's validation that, hey, my posts aren't pointless! Someone is enjoying them! I should keep doing it! On Hubski, though, the max visible amount is 8. That was off-putting at first, but it's great for promoting discussion in a non-intimidating and continuously satisfying way. This is because comments tend to get dots if they add to the discussion in any way. So, to put this in other words... Rather than the occasional:
You get a consistent:
Cool, my post got 50 upvotes. It's nothing compared to the thousand-upvote posts up there, but hey, it's something.
My last few posts are half-wheel! And that one even got a full wheel! Awesome.
That's another problem I see with Reddit. There's an extra meta-game you have to play if you want yourself heard, that really shouldn't exist. Discussion should be just that: discussion. Not a bunch of flaming hoops you have to jump through, at just the right time, in just the right way. No one will read your comment if it's long, and if you aren't fast enough, someone else will have replied and then no one will see your comment.
Pretty much. It's definitely not the best place for reasonable discussion and I believe it does influence its users; at least slightly. After four years of reddit, I get a bit of 'culture' shock on smaller sites like Hubski because of the variety of ideas being thrown around. People here have tendencies, but those tendencies are not overbearing or all-consuming. Hubski and similar sites aren't an echo chamber or hivemind like Reddit often is. There's no downvoting, so controversial posts and viewpoints going against the grain aren't silenced and crammed to the bottom of the barrel. They're nestled among the others like they should be. I really like that. As for getting angry/defensive at people who disagree with me...I think that's more to do with my own personality, and, honestly, human nature - than Reddit's influence.
Black Desert, Wildstar F2P, and Fallout 4. I've been getting that MMO itch, but there's really nothing decent out there that I haven't already played to hell. ArcheAge was fantastic until the economy crashed because of new introductions to the cash shop. Black Desert is another Korean MMO coming out with some of the same sandbox features ArcheAge had, and the combat looks great. Fingers crossed for that one.