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hubskier for: 3473 days
I don't know about that in terms of day-to-day interactions, but I know that in service industries, U.S. politeness seems quite rude to Australians, while our version would be equally rude to them. It took me a long time to realise that U.S. customers weren't EXACTLY being rude to me, they were simply interacting in the way that they're accustomed to. They must have found me equally offensive. We try to be polite through relationship-building (chatter, making jokes, even teasing!). If one wants to be rude, it's done through distancing oneself ("You are not worth my attention as a person") even if the language forms used are perfectly courteous. To other nations, us being polite can appear pushy and extremely rude, assuming a relationship where there is no reason for one to exist.
That was kind of what I thought about it. I'm older admittedly (34) and I've been safely married off for a good long while, but even when I was young and single, there was always the complaint that "Men don't want to commit!" I've always found men to be as quick to commit as women are, and it's not as though I'm an amazing prize. I just didn't run into any douches, I think. Maybe on Tinder, your chances of running into a douche are higher?