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I have not had a breaking point yet, not like @kleinbl00 definitely but maybe feeling something like that these days. Had a fall out with my closest friend, who is supposedly my diary and vice-versa. I have been trying to get back to terms but it's just not happening from the other side. Kind of a breaking point because I don't even know what the deal is. Hope you atleast get remittance!
Artists don't get paid which in turn leads them to signing much harder contracts which in turn makes them a puppet of these studios and make music according to them which in turn gives us worst songs from the bands we once considered to be the best and our favourite. Stuck in this vicious circle.
I agree I penned down my thoughts as they occurred, sorry for that. What I meant is that everybody in this world is after something or the other, how do they know that what is "enough" to actually achieve it? I know it can be answered as "with as much effort as required" but we have seen that people keep trying all their lives but some things still dont work out
I will start using this term more often, I like it.
It actually describes the feeling which the majority of the population might be facing at a point of time. This also can be in terms of running after something a lot, putting in all the effort possible but in the end not getting it. I think this is the worst feeling ever for me.
I think I am having one of the worst weeks ever. What according to you is the worst feeling ever?
@09 : By the explanation you have given, it seems you are very much involved in the process of making music. Would you like to share some tips on how you do it?
Thank you all for sharing your views on this ever-so confusing but beautiful question. Is there anybody here who writes but does not know how to put a melody around? Let's share our work and maybe something can come out of it. I think all of us on hubski should contribute lyrics and make a song right here in this post. Seems like a great idea and it is the effective use of this great platform. What say?
Brilliant article!! From this article, I would also like to share this as it seems very relatable to one of the effects of this syndrome.
I had a blackberry while I was in college, so my world was just around the wonder messenger known as BBM. It was only in my 3rd year that I got an iPhone which actually made a lot of things way easier than before with it's huge arsenal of apps. I didn't let it effect my finals though which I think is manageable if you are determined to not be controlled by it.
I guess it's just the wait then. Can't force someone out of it for sure, just wanting to save them the pain of that small little bubble bursting that Social Media is actually a "Virtual" world where we have the possibility of losing ourselves. Thanks for your inputs.
A very simple question I would like to ask these terror outfits: Why would anyone or any group do this?
Exactly the detailed reply I was looking for when I posted my observations. The last paragraph says it all, "Fundamentally, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and the rest of the Horsemen do not improve your life. Anyone with a little bit of smarts figures that out eventually. There's a period, though, where the design does what it's intended: hook you on wasting time for someone else's profit." Now this brings me to another question that I am curious to ask at this point. Like the way these corporations have found a way to profit on how much time we waste, is there a way through which this can be reversed and made profit out of. A lot of people are realising today that the point you stated is the reality but the rate is very low as compared to people embracing this technology in their life. Leave profit, is there a way to reverse this, without actually messing up on with the "free will" and "choices" of the people which they get very very touchy about?
I can totally agree to where this is coming from as I have been there myself. I had the habit of checking feeds from top to bottom, wanting to know what everyone was up to but then one day I just decided that it would not work out that way. You spend an hour on social networking websites everyday: 365 * 60 mins = 21900 mins That's 15 days of a year and I have not even included the weekend social media binges now. Enough reason to reflect I guess...
Ah amazing!! Thanks for sharing this
Perfectly relevant. Thanks.
Tommy Hilfiger, for it's avid racism towards black and asian people wearing his clothes.
Perfect, more insight on the topic at hand.
Thank you. I would definitely sign up for these.
Done. Python it is. Thanks :D
WOW sir, this is truly fantastic. I have basic knowledge in HTML and CSS which I would definitely work on further and as suggested by everyone would pick up a language and just start with it without having so much doubt about it which is actually wasting further time. Thanks a ton.
To be honest, I have done my graduation in business and management so I have very little knowledge about the detailed side of the languages you have mentioned. That is why it is a little difficult to grasp the discussion happening here. So sorry for that as you guys have really put in a lot of insight and detail in here. Would there be any website or place you suggest which might clear this for me better, or any book you recommend me to read?
Thanks Just one question, do you think the course tracks on CodeAcademy suffice for good learning of the language or it should be done through other professional courses such as an outside academy or a paid course on Udely?
Hey, thanks a lot for the insight. I would be starting with Python as it goes quite popular on other forums which I checked as well. If I have any problems, I know who to contact now though :D
Totally agree that we've always been there, just lacking that push from the government and the citizens who can actually make a difference. I too have an avid interest in the tech scene although I am from the business background. Would love to know more about the company you have started.
Glad to see them finally taking interest in the Indian Tech scene. Although this initiative should have been taken up at the least 5 years back to promote entrepreneurship early on. @cbhattarai Are you also into the entrepreneurship scene here in India?