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hubskier for: 3549 days
I used to check 'Cracked' out everyday, the articles usually have a good combination of information/humor. Digg tends to have a few links per day that I enjoy. The /tv/ (television & film) board on 4chan is always good for a laugh, but that's really gonna depend on your style of humor.
Taxi Driver is my favorite of his also! If you do check out Raging Bull, lemme know what you thought.
Yeah, the "But why male models?" line was funny the first few times I saw it IN THE MOVIE... The first 90 times I saw it on Reddit, not so much.
Yeah, I wasn't expecting this color either.
Raging Bull is amazing. Regardless of the club, I highly recommend that you take the time to check it out. Are you a Scorsese fan?
I'm definitely excited for Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation. Other than MI:2, I've had fun with every entry in the series (my favorite being MI:3). Can't bruise the Cruise. So Abrams has directed my favorite MI film, I've enjoyed the Star Trek reboots and Super I can't wait to see what he does with Star Wars. I'm gonna ignore the critics and check out Terminator: Gynisys. I've seen T2 more than any other movie, with the possible exception of Back to the at this point the franchise pretty much automatically gets my money. It's a childhood nostalgia thing :/