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Came over from a thread on reddit way back when (well, half a year ago) and I've been a mostly passive lurker ever since. Even got some neat stickers on my birthday. It's been fun.
NOFX- So Long an Thanks for all the Shoes , mostly. One of my favorite albums and probably NOFX's best. Also, Propagandhi- How to Clean Everything. Just a good, punk album. Propagandhi kind of resents the album, because they think that it holds their worst songwriting. It kind of does, but I still love the album.
Motion City Soundtrack's Commit This to Memory. The entire album has a bit of a winter tone, with songs like Together We'll Ring in the New Year a song entirely about New Years. There are a few others (Feels Like Rain, Resolution, Time Turned Fragile), but Together We'll Ring in the New Year is probably the best example. It's also just a good album, but that's beside the point.
That sounds pretty interesting. I don't think that tradition exists in America, at least not where I live. I still plan on doing something's like that. Should be relatively easy to fund if I start saving back now, right? I'm not sure how much it would cost, but it shouldn't be so much that I wouldn't make enough in 2 years to afford it.
I wasn't assuming that I'd always be here because I'm young, I was assuming so because everyone I seem including adults, have been stuck here their whole life. The flip side to this is that it is a distinct possibility that I don't see people traveling much because the people who do travel have left. It's a relatively small town so we don't have many (if any) mission trips and exchange programs sound terrifying. I will try to get out of Illinois at some point though, hopefully out of country. Shouldn't actually be too hard, reading this article just made me momentarily extremely jealous.
I live in Illinois (not Chicago) and I'm 16. Please don't hate me for being 16, by the way. I don't know if this place is the kind of place that automatically hates anyone under 20, but reddit certainly is so you never know.
I live in Illinois (not Chicago) and I'm 16. Please don't hate me for being 16, by the way. I don't know if this place is the kind of place that automatically hates anyone under 20, but reddit certainly is so you never know.
Out of everyone I know only a few have ever left the US. I just kind of assumed that was because it was a difficult and expensive thing to do.
Reading this depressed me a little bit. I'll probably never make it out of the USA, let alone travel around the world. In my entire lifetime I'll only see an insignificant portion of what that world has to offer, let alone the universe. Even this man, who has seen more of the world than anyone else, has barely seen anything. I'll never see everything, and I'll never know why or how any of it exists in the first place. On the bright side, at least I'm human and therefore intelligent enough to have thoughts like these in the first place.
Well one of them went directly onto my PS2, so it's already being cherished. I'm still deciding on what to do with the others.
Because it was 360 exclusive up until a week or so ago.
State of Decay is probably my favorite indie game. It tried to be an open world zombie survival simulation and absolutely hit the nail on the head. A combination of base building, permadeath, terrifying special zombies, terrifying hordes of regular zombies, and a completely open environment make it a really great survival game. Probably my favorite zombie game period, let alone indie game.
Happy Birthday NewVegasGod!
From what I hear, the plan is to set up a small colony there within 10 years. They took volunteers awhile back, but I think they only picked the ones with some experience/knowledge in this kind of thing. The craziest thing to me is that once they're set up there they'll be able to text Earth from Mars. They'll even browse the internet he hitch would make for the best AMA. Edit: Article.
Why did Constantinople get the works?
That reminds me, can you take me back to Constantinople?
And the original wasn't on the Wii, I don't think.Not counting Paper Mario
That was before awhile