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Although this article isn't outstanding, I really do love the idea of writing crappily. In my opinion, doing something badly is the best way to learn how to do it well. For writing, at least. As long as you're learning from your mistakes as you go. Plus, I think once you lose the fear of failure and the worry of writing badly and you accept that it's not going to be great (or even good) and just go for it, it really becomes a thousand times more enjoyable. Just writing for the sake of writing.
I feel like there are a lot of this type of article floating around, these "THE ONLY GREAT RULES OF LIFE" manuals. This one is a lot better than the ones that I've read in the past though, for a few main reasons. It is well written. It seems like there are a ton of these that are supposed to be motivating but end up just being overly aggressive and swear every other word in an attempt to strengthen their point. You know what I'm talking about. This one just relies on its content and presents it as it comes. Very easy to read. It's humble. It doesn't claim to know everything, it's just a few things that are generally applicable. It's not all-encompassing or anything; it's just a genuine proposition to the reader to try and apply these few concepts. And I had several other reasons but they have left my brain. But this really is a lot better than the majority of these and it's just kind of soothing and easy. I would definitely read this to my non-existent children (or at least try and teach them similarly). You are a wise man! Good luck with the kids someday!
Ha, I must have been one of the very first users to get this tutorial intro! (Seeing as I just joined...what, yesterday?) Needless to say, I already feel special and welcomed, haha. And y'know, I think I'm going to like it here. Anyway, the tutorial was fabulous as to giving me an idea of how to navigate the waters of this site and once I got those basics, it was pretty simple to find out the rest of the everything through self-discovery, which I think is the perfect balance to learn the ropes in a new community! So good job. There's some really great stuff going on here and, like I said before, I might just be hooked. Aaaanywho, back to lurking for a while! I'll be silently observing you all from now on! (At least until I've read enough to understand the etiquette of the site a bit more. You know how it is.)