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hubskier for: 3558 days
From the article it sounds like he thinks it was a bad idea because Colorado was left to create an entire regulatory scheme on its own, with no model to follow or even any guarantee that the federal government wouldn't step in to shut the whole thing down at some point. So basically it's not so much "Legalizing Marijuana was a bad idea," but "Legalizing Marijuna first was a bad idea." Also he says in the video he was vocally against the initiative in the first place.
How do you figure it is the "greatest" or "smartest"? The writing system is probably the most logical and phonetically accurate in the world if that's what you mean, as far as the language itself goes it can be terribly vague and confusing at times and bogged down with hierarchical honorifics. For example: The subject is usually dropped form the sentence, so "가요" ("Ga-yo" meaning "go") could be interpreted as "I go," "You go," "He goes," etc. depending on the context, and "가다" (Ga-da) "가" (Ga), "가요" (Ga-yo), "갑니다" (Gam-ni-da) all have equivalent meanings ("Go") but conjugated according to social hierarchy and context (ie. if the listener older, younger, your boss, your employee, etc.) It's definitely a very different language than English and it's challenging to learn, and it starts making sense once you've studied enough, but I would hesitate to claim any language is "better" or "smarter" than any others.
I'm from the US originally (no Korean ancestry either). I work at a private English academy here. Wouldn't really call it a "program" so much as a job, but I suppose it's all the same sort of stuff.
The community seems pretty cool here. It's nice being able to read thoughtful posts and comments without having to sift through hundreds of memes/jokes.
Hello! I am an English language teacher in South Korea. I spend my time teaching and learning languages - mainly studying Korean these days (안녕하세요?), but I've dabbled in many languages over the years. Recently I've been considering moving to China next year to study Mandarin. I've also been getting into programming lately, though only doing really basic stuff with Python so far.
Thanks! I'm enjoying it so far. Most of this is just gibberish to me at this point, but hopefully it will start to make sense at some point.
I think I'm going to like this place. Sorry about your servers.
I came from Reddit and I agree. I dislike the censorship, but I don't care for the toxic hate communities either. There are a few sites being thrown around now, hopefully this one will attract more of the intellectual/discussion oriented people and the other sites will attract the more toxic elements of the site.
I've been working my way through a Intro to Python course on Coursera recently (No real programming background). The stuff everyone else here is doing sounds cool though.
Thanks! What does "zen" do?
Also, the !'s look too much like l's in the default font. Is there a way to fix that?
I'm new too! Also not really sure what I'm doing, but I gave you an upwheel (what should I call it?) anyway. The site seems pretty cool though.