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hubskier for: 3169 days
I've been back to Stardew Valley recently. I tried playing some of the SV-like games recently (Ooblets, Doraemon Story of Seasons, which is super pretty) but every time I do I just feel like Stardew is a better game and I should be playing it instead. Also played Outer Wilds a bit. It's pretty fun to explore, but I'm honestly not sure that I have the patience to stick with it and figure things out. The time limit can feel super constricting at times.
Who knew that there might be negative consequences to tying your country's economy to crypto? /s
As with every time trickle down economics is invoked, this is little more than a long-term tax cut for the rich, pushed through because it's also a short-term tax cut for the everyman .
How do you know that the people you shed aren't interesting?
For sure. I mean, I think they have to. Their price point is pretty much on par with Champagne, which has had put in a lot of money and energy into marketing itself as the cream of the crop of sparkling wine (though, to be fair, methode champagnoise is significantly more time- and labour-instensive than most other methods of producing sparkling wine, though Champagne isn't the only place that uses it). Haha, yeah. It's always kind of funny to see the contrast between the oenologists/marketing people and the people who actually look after the vineyards. People who make wine (even in Champagne and Burgundy) are farmers at the end of the day. They're pushing pretty hard to get you to care, for sure.
And there's some damn fine wine grown in Yakima, which is Rehh-hedNECK.