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wrangler  ·  3445 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Don't freak out, but scientists think octopuses 'might be aliens' after DNA study

Hey man, I'm really not trying to hate here, but this is really a place where you try to spread your ideas; whether they're about your own unique thoughts or someone else's or maybe just an event. The point of a forum like Hubski, however, is not to only quote someone else's single thought. It's not truly adding to the conversation.

wrangler  ·  3445 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Pubski: August 12, 2015

I just started college! I moved in yesterday and after a second night of lots of activity I've called it a night around 30 minutes ago. (1:30 CT) I'm excited for classes Monday and can't wait to jump into my new life.

wrangler  ·  3453 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: The modern internet sucks: Bring back Geocities

I think, after you get past all the discussion and argument, that all we're really missing is education. People had fun on the internet because it was new and everyone was equally as shitty at playing with it. Every new technology that has ever been invented from cooking to coding has gone through this transformation.

Let's imagine a situation where a random event has led to the discovery/invention of "Technology." Now people hear about Technology and either they want to play with it or they tinker with it or whatever. So, now "Person" has gotten a hold of it and assuming that he can afford to work/play/tinker with it, he will learn how to use it better/faster/stronger(?) while everyone else goes about their regular lives. Person is now profiting off normal people and everyone can see the wide-ranging capabilities of people from Person all the way down to Granny.

None of this may add to the conversation, but I felt like it was relevant enough and also I'm high.

wrangler  ·  3465 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: The Heroin Heroine of Reddit

Are you or have you ever been an opiate addict? Do you have or have you had any in-depth experience with those situations?

Neither do I.

I'm with WanderingEng on this one. We don't give football players helmets so they can hurt themselves more; we give them helmets so that when they inevitably decide to play football, they can do so more safely.

wrangler  ·  3466 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: This r/conspiracy thread: Best laugh I've had all week

It's a little disheartening that the people in that sub are nicer than a lot of posters on reddit.

wrangler  ·  3466 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Portuguese scientists discover why pendulum clocks swing together.

I actually thought about that wall situation (the picture in the article). It looks like there's at least 15-20 clocks.

wrangler  ·  3466 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Portuguese scientists discover why pendulum clocks swing together.

I think it's interesting that the clocks will be inverse of each other. I wonder if it is always that way...

wrangler  ·  3468 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: When do you consider someone successful?

When you consider yourself a success. It doesn't matter if you're a millionaire or a father to a family or whether you're just alive. If you consider yourself to be a success then that's what you'll be in my book.

wrangler  ·  3470 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Prof. Stephen Hawking backs venture to listen for aliens

I've read this little lesson from some scientist a few times over the past couple years so I'll give it to you here.

If there is sentient life out there currently it probably sees and hears and senses and communicates everything on a completely different level than humans. Also, with the time span of the universe, it could have been billions of years ago or will be billions of years in the future that even one alien civilization existed or will exist.

I love space. I love science fiction set in space. I love the thought of having alien friends and counterparts. However, the realist side of me just says, "If there were aliens out there they wouldn't be so hard to find." And that, I'm afraid, is the sad truth of the whole situation

wrangler  ·  3470 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Why Bernie Sanders doesn't talk about race

I can definitely see where you're coming from on that. I guess we'll just have to see where economic justice takes us.

I was taking a leadership course at one point in my life and the lesson they drilled into our heads was something like, "You eat an elephant one bite at a time.*"

*No elephants were harmed in the making of this post.

wrangler  ·  3470 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Why Bernie Sanders doesn't talk about race

Couldn't we allow the police to use the body cameras much like they do with their dashboard cams? To my understanding, the video on the dash can save something like the last 40 minutes of video and also start to record what will happen from that point on. Why can't we have that feature on body cams and have severe punishments for police who fail to get a video record of an incident? Could anybody point out the downfalls to that for me?

wrangler  ·  3470 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: A Quick Puzzle to Test Your Problem Solving.

I figured it out. Do I get bonus points?

For any random number x in the first box, the second and third boxes will be x+x and x+x+x. Note that it is not x; x^2; x^3 due to the fact that 1; 1; 1 will not work, but 1; 2; 3 will.

wrangler  ·  3471 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Post-Capitalism Has Begun

As an 18 year old who just graduated high school, I have noticed this:

Where people used to hate on the nerds, my age is beginning to appreciate the intellect that nerds have.

People from lower income have a culture that is aimed away from intellectual values and more toward the gossip and fashion that you talked about.

I am not saying this applies to the whole of my generation, (and I will note that I come from a city where most everybody's parents are engineers or have careers that require an advanced education) but it has at least started to take a rise and I can't wait to see what we have to offer to the world.

wrangler  ·  3471 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: What event(s) taught you the most about humanity as a whole?

I have actually read this before! Ever since I read it I have always tried to stop on the road and I always feel terrible if I miss an opportunity or I get caught up in my own time. Thanks for posting this!

wrangler  ·  3472 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: What event(s) taught you the most about humanity as a whole?

You're welcome! Thanks for saying that :)

wrangler  ·  3472 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Why Bernie Sanders doesn't talk about race

What don't you agree with him about? I completely support Bernie that social injustice is a symptom of economic injustice.

I think when, for example, many white people see a poor black man, they probably don't see someone that's been screwed by the system. Those people may cut straight to judgement of that individual, and that is definitely not what we want.

I also think its very hard to change views of entire groups of people (i.e. black people in Baltimore, cops in Baltimore, etc.) I think instead of merely saying, "Everyone is equal and should love each other," I think we should rather find out why people can't do that.

wrangler  ·  3472 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Massive study: Birth order has no meaningful effect on personality or IQ

For those who haven't read the article, here's a synopsis: this study used 377,000 high school students from different families that all had multiple children, (i.e) they studied the difference in IQ and personality from an older sibling to a younger sibling from a different family.

After reading this, I feel like they should have done the "within families" method. (Using siblings from the same families.)

From what I could understand, their counter-argument for this was, "such studies often don't measure the personality of each child individually," and that, "They just ask one child -- usually the oldest, 'Are you more conscientious than your siblings?'" I believe they could have done a "within family" method and just created better personality questions for the study.

The researchers also said that the older sibling is older and has a different personality, so a parent would respond to a survey with, "But my oldest kid is more responsible than my youngest kid." What kills me is that this is the very next paragraph:

    An ideal within-family study would follow the families over time, collecting IQ and personality data from each child when he or she reached a specific age, the researchers said.

It just seems to me that these researchers weren't really paying attention to all the pros and cons of the two different studies.

wrangler  ·  3472 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: White Fragility: Why It’s So Hard to Talk to White People About Racism

I guess you could say that is a fix for the problem, but I don't really think you caught on to what has been said.

The solution you proposed will never work if no one wants to admit they are wrong.

wrangler  ·  3474 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: How Climate Scientists Feel About Climate Change Deniers .

I will be starting at Auburn University in the fall with an intended major of Wildlife Ecology and Management. I have thought about studying climate science as well when I go to graduate school. I love nature. I love being outdoors. Not only am I berated by classmates, but by family as well.

It drives me to extreme emotions sometimes with the incredible level of ignorance that surrounds our society. I just cannot possibly understand how people side with the people who are using death threats, stalking, and ultimately just being terrible people.

how are people so blind? why are people so selfish? i need to get some rest before this stuff gets to me any more than it already has.

wrangler  ·  3474 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: How Climate Scientists Feel About Climate Change Deniers .

I think it's a little sad. I wish Nature could learn from its mistakes. I mean really learn. I wish Natural Selection could realize, "oh, these animals are becoming a little too human. I shouldn't let that happen."

It kind of begs the question really, what Earth destroying species will come next?

But about what you said - you really couldn't be more correct. Humans are simply ants meandering their way across the driveway while the Universe is driving the car, carrying out its daily routine.

wrangler  ·  3474 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Scrollover bubble for tags

Yeah, you're probably right. I wasn't trying to sell it by saying that reddit uses them. Quite the opposite actually. I was trying to say something along the lines of "These would be helpful tools. Please don't ignore them because we aren't trying to be like reddit. Even bad things have good qualities."

wrangler  ·  3480 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Victoria makes a self post

I'm thinking we need a stickers tag somewhere around here...

wrangler  ·  3480 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Welcome to Hubski

I just watched the video and I am super stoked to be apart of this. It takes fun and creative people to come up with such an easily understood and enjoyable to watch video.

Also, compliments to the people who put in the video clips. They were all very applicable to whatever the tutorialist was saying.

Let's go guys!