Good, it seems the unconstitutionality has been revealed in accordance with US vs Windsor (2013). I provided a screen shot below of a part of the summary. This is a great thing; if a this can't fly in a state like Texas, that bodes well for the future of equality.
But same sex marriage will lead to the end of Gay people. edit: maybe I should have added a wink
Congratulations I wish the best to you and your spouse. This is all joking on the square but Marriage Equality and Gay liberation arguably decrease the reproductive fitness of gay men. If there is no reason to be in a sham marriage so less children. Adoption rights add to this. Less offspring means less copies of the "Gay Gene" (if such a thing exists) in circulation eventually it passes out of existence. I guess evangelical Christians and Mormons will keep the gene for longer.
If my hypothesis is true there should be higher than average incidence of Gay folks in these groups.
My sister and her girlfriend have a baby. I hope neither you nor anybody else in this thread has a traditional marriage to someone of the opposite gender because they are going to absolutely destroy that shit if they ever get the right to formally marry. All you traditionalists better enjoy what you've got while you can. You had a good run.
I don't know any gay women my age that don't have biological children. I was just making a joke about the "gay gene" and how Gay Rights could lead to less expression of it. I support marriage equality.