Ugh there was this one time last year where I was in an area with no GPS or cell phone coverage, while driving, and had to use a map like a god damn peasant from 16th century England.
mk, correct me if I'm wrong, but you seem to shun using GPS in order to challenge yourself directionally. Either that or you have just gotten lost and been late a few times in the past.
I should mention that not having to use a GPS is a much more enjoyable experience and I don't use one unless I absolutely have to. Getting lost can be a good time if you're not in a hurry to get somewhere.
I'm hopeless with directions. While on vacation in Florida my dad called (they were on a dock and saw MANATEES and I'd been going on and on about how I wanted to see MOTHER FUCKING MANATEES, MERMAIDS OF THE OCEAN) and told me to walk to a place about 3 blocks from me. I had him repeat the directions, twice. I was pretty sure I knew where he was talking about...but I asked him to text me them, just to be sure. He scoffed, told me he wasn't doing that, and to just come. 15 minutes later I had indeed walked to the wrong place and was calling him back. To be fair, I had originally walked to the right place...but...yeah. I could get lost in a paper sack. GPS all the way.