We're now three months deep into 2016. Winter is finally relinquishing its icy grip and the clocks have lurched forward to bestow us with lighter evenings. It also means that three months of potential self-improvement have now passed. Come share your tales on your way towards betterment.
Bonus Question: Do you have any self-proven methods for keeping yourself on-track, disciplined, and moving forward?
Also, thanks to francopoli for filling in on check-in duties last month.
Shoutouts, let me know if you wish to be added or removed: blackbootz ButterflyEffect byonic caeli Cedar coffeesp00ns Creativity Cumol doesntgolf elizabeth francopoli galen goobster jafle jleopold KARAMAZ0V kleinbl00 lil nowaypablo NSSTomato OftenBen psychoticmilkman Quatrarius thundara thenewgreen kingmudsy
Updated mine from the past two months. I'm happy with most of those things, but added two goals that have been bothering me a little bit. Need to reduce both my eating and spending a little bit, neither are in a bad place, but they're both exceeding where I would like to be.
Updated. I haven't really made any changes to my behavior. Getting rear ended and getting sick for a whole week really threw me off, but that doesn't mean I should slack off when I'm feeling well. I should also add something in there about taking fun stuff more seriously. I don't make a whole lot of time for myself, and that cannot continue.
Posting the shout outs as comment because they might be bugged in the main post. Apologies if you get multiple shout outs. blackbootz ButterflyEffect byonic caeli Cedar coffeesp00ns Creativity Cumol doesntgolf elizabeth francopoli galen goobster jafle jleopold KARAMAZ0V kleinbl00 lil nowaypablo NSSTomato OftenBen psychoticmilkman Quatrarius thundara thenewgreen kingmudsy
FYI- I didn't get this notification/shout out. Thanks for posting. Doing well towards my goals!!
The morale menagerie is a Hubski-wide accountability/sharing group for working towards your personal goals for the current year. This year I created a spreadsheet which people can use to enter and track their goals, which in turn collates personal and global stats for the community's successes. There's also a little bit of gamification with leader boards and such You can join (or leave) at any time and you don't have to be a part of spreadsheet to be involved and share your monthly goal exploits. Let me know if you want to be added to the shoutouts and/or spreadsheet!