I write essays, poems and songs, but sometimes, I'm inspired just to make silly things. The existence of webstores which magically plaster your emblem/design/stupid comic over all sorts of pointless merchandise is a particularly beguiling inspiration to make silly things, and this is my most recent dalliance with frivolity. I would be far too embarrassed to admit to anyone how long it actually took me to make this.
(apologies for the watermark ... doesn't seem I can remove it.)
I like this, a lot. I think you could actually lose "may contain" and it would work just as well, perhaps better.
Dude, once again... this is awesome. I was just going through this old post looking for something else, but I stumbled upon your work again. Glad I did. You should share more of your work here, it's really good.
Haha thanks! I was quite surprised to see a reply on such a old post. I have more work posted online if you are interested, but that was probably the best sketch. I haven't done anymore sketches lately since being back in school.
Wow. Seriously zomberry, you've got some real talent. I enjoy these two in particular: Sirens 2008 and Depressed 2008 I noticed that you don't have anything posted in 2013. Please don't tell me you are no longer creating art? I'm a fan, please feel free to shout-out to me if you post any more of your work here. Really, really great stuff.
That is a shame, you've got a real talent. Good luck with the architecture. Working on anything interesting?
Well, it's an awesome hobby. Art as a profession is tough. Many many people do it successfully, but it's not high on the list from a stability and income perspective in general. I really respect artists who have chosen to devote themselves to it as a career. I consider it a self sacrificial step in many ways and instances. You have to be really passionate and brave. This is mostly for the fine arts. There's a lot of commercial opportunities for artists, but most fine artists don't like designing mud splashes on the new Jeep Wrangler in whatever program they are using now for Chrysler's next Superbowl commercial.
If my family is rich enough I would devote my life to art. As of right now I am way too poor to support myself through art. Also I'm not that into the art trend in USA. If I were to become an artist, I would probably move to Europe permanently. The whole point of being an artist is to be true to yourself and self-expression. If I were to do commercials for money, then I might as well do something else that makes money, like engineering or banking.
This is wonderful. Is this someone that you know? Did you paint her from memory or in person? There's a lot going on in that glance. Nice work.
I helped build this in college recently. It was a few years ago but I'm proud of it.
Nowadays, I mostly build automated trading systems.
It's part of annual carnival at Carnegie Mellon. Its basically a community event in Pittsburgh where university organizations make elaborate Carnival Booths. There is a common theme for all booths and each booth includes a game. The Booths are meant to be education and geared towards children. Here is CMU's page on it: CMU Carnival I wasn't involved in this year but here is timelapse that shows the scale of the event.
Booth timelapse 2011
That time-lapse is cool. I feel like I've seen it before though, any chance you posted it a while back? Felt very familiar to me. Seems like a lot of hard work for something that is used for such a short time. Was it just one day of use? Are you able to re-use the same materials each year or is it a one shot deal?
It's actually two days and we do our best to reuse material year to year. That said its not the two days of use that drives most people it's more the experience and opportunity to build. Plus there's a competition among organizations. We did not win with the booth I posted (got second) but we did win the following year. I might have posted before but I don't know for sure. I use this site the same way I have conversations and trust me I tend to retell stories every once in awhile.
A good story is worth repeating. Sounds like a cool experience. What was the booth you built that took the #1 spot?
I made this logo for a contest on freelancer.com I'm pretty stoked on it. I didn't know how to do 3d shit in Illustrator before this. It's a work in progress but it's getting there. You can see the progression of the design here: http://www.freelancer.com/contest/Logo-Branding-Design-for-F... I also am in the process of recoding my supergeniustay.com website.
It's a restaurant that does pizza and kabobs and stuff.
Maybe the "O" should be a pizza? Or something like that just to show what it is they do. Otherwise, it's great.
Yeah they didn't like the ones with food in it so...
The city scape looks great. Has a "brave new world" feel.
I couldn't find a clean, spartan computer desk, so I made one. It's just a table top made of a solid slab of pressed pine (Ikea) with 1" black plumping pipe for legs. Got a 10' stick at Home Depot and had them cut it and thread it into four parts, and secured it to the bottom of the pine with flanges, and also used flanges on the foot end for stability. Sanded and treated the pine with tung oil to keep the natural look contrasted with the black legs (tung oil just darkens the pine slightly). I don't have a pic of the finished product on my phone unfortunately, but here it is with the pine resting on the unsecured legs as I was trying to figure out exactly where to place them for maximum aesthetic appeal and functionality. The slab is bottom up in this pic, so those metal rails are actually not visible on the table top now. You get the idea... If we're getting reeeeealy technical, the last thing I made was a cup of french press. It was damn good.
A cup of tea. I never actually create anything. I'm probably the least creative person I know. It's a bit sad, really.
I bet it was a really creative cup of tea though.
You need this poster: That would motivate me. And really, you don't need all those weights and fancy machines. You just need to lift some rocks or a giant wagon.
Oh, the pain of using a shitty rack is almost a rite of passage, no? Do you have any strategies other than cleaning for ensuring that it doesn't get "gym smell"? I imagine a dehumidifier might help on that front, especially if it's a personal gym. Also, if you don't mind my curiosity, what will the final setup be as far as equipment goes?I bought a kind of expensive one, because I knew from previous experience that you can't skimp.
Whaaaat? Why wouldn't I want the gym smell? It smells like pride and glory. The final setup isn't a lot more than what you see. I also have a heavy bag and a bunch of bands, benches, ropes and medicine balls. I prefer free form working out. On the rack, you can do pullups, squats, bench press, row, lat pull, tri pull downs, leg lifts (bc I have the things you hang your arms in), etc. Other than that I do a bunch of dumbbell workouts (you can't really tell in the pic, but I have dumbbells from 10-40 in 5lb increments and 50-70 in 10lb increments). And dead lifting. My advice to anyone who works out is to dead lift. It will kill you in the best way possible.
Haha, I guess if it's one's own stank, then yeah. I like free weights the best, so when I'm in the swing of things, I do lots of dumbbell stuff too. I don't really know why people are going so nuts over kettlebells right now, but I guess I don't know many lifts designed around kettlebells. Am I wrong to think that kettlebell workouts are a lot like dumbbell workouts?Whaaaat? Why wouldn't I want the gym smell? It smells like pride and glory.
I just realized I have never seen your basement before...even though I've now been to your house. Also, I may be accidentally on purpose getting myself fired Friday when I tell the CEO how badly he handled this coke shit this week and what needs to happen in the future to avoid a shitstorm like this one. I will be living in that basement if aforementioned firing happens. Just FYI.
Yeah, I have a long way to go, too. My basement is ~900 sq ft, so I have a lot of room to work with. This room plus a closet took up about a third of the space. I have an egress window, and the builder had to good sense to put a waste line in the concrete floor, so I think I'm going to make a bedroom with a full bath in the other part of the basement. Probably next summer at the earliest. Have to refill the coffers after this project. Weights are surprisingly expensive :/
I hadn't heard of keto before, thanks for the introduction. How long have you been a practitioner? Have you seen positive results? I recently started "juicing", not something I had ever done before. Below is photo of my first try at it. Kale, Romaine, Lemon, Apples and Celery = delicious. Actually gave me a nice energy boost. And yes, that juicer is from 1977.
I suppose it is for health reasons, yes. I went over to my friend cW's house and he and his wife were about to have a glass of this for breakfast and he offered me some. It was sooo good and it made me feel good almost immediately. -could have been in my head but it definitely seems to give me a boost. I went to the grocery this morning to pick up more kale/romaine so I can do it again tonight. Juicing is actually fun, the process itself is cool. Makes me want to tinker around with some other ingredients. I forgot to mention in my last comment that I added just a bit of ginger to the mix too. Gave it a bit of bite. Very nice.
I made something green to drink too! But this was well later than our morning juice. Glad to hear the juice is treating you so well! There really is no substitute for just experiencing the lift for yourself. It wakes you up and energizes you in a way that is quite different from caffeine, and quite different from exercise/endorphins. No two ways about it, a veggie/juice buzz has become an indispensable part of our daily return to the waking world. It's the thing you didn't know you were missing, (until you find out about it, of course). That third kind of heat.
Yeah, yeah, yeah juicing is great but… Please tell us what the drink is you posted. Far more interesting! Include ingredients and how I can make one too.
I'm sorry, I thought that the title I posted on imgur would show up. It's nothing revolutionary, just a Bombay martini. It was our maiden voyage with the Cinzano vermouth, which did prove to be a most interesting addition, especially since we like our martinis, as I may have mentioned before, rather wet. I may do a quick write-up of the experience on T*S, but only after posting the running piece, which is ready to go, except for a title pic!
I am definitely looking forward to that running piece, and to trying out one of those wet Cinzano martinis.
Thanks mk! I have acquired the new-ish tagging skill. They were some tasty beverages, indeed, and we sucked them down with an assortment of kettle chips and caramel kettle corn, over a hand of rummy. Hope to make some for yourself and gq in the not too far flung future!
bgood79 and I have a "cover song" challenge where we pick a band each week and then independent of one another learn and record a song from them. This week it was Belle & Sebastian. Here is my version of It Could Have Been a Brilliant Career. It's fun to do, I recorded it last night.
I'm working to bring a 1973 VW bus back to the land of the living. New engine, new brakes. Just bought a mig welder, going to learn how to use it and then fix some rusty bits. It's still ugly as hell, but it's getting better. Building out the inside to make it liveable. Insulation, bed, stove, 2nd battery, inverter. Plus a few other plans. Planning on driving it across the country (US) this summer. It's a long term project, and I intend to keep it indefinitely.
I love the old split window VW's. They're pretty slick. I rode out to Montana to go to college at 19 years old in an old Vanagon. You can make out the back portion of it here
Maybe I am in Charlotte this week (in a friends driveway)
Cool, Charlotte is a great town. Are you still planning on moving to California to teach?
Oh no, I will be in Wilmington. I am just going west to have the baby by family. one of new pieces
Cool! I'm glad we'll still be able to get together for lunch and the occasional or beer/Coca-Cola. Good luck with the birth! Safe travels.
On a side not thenewgreen, did you purchase a subscription to one of those sites that provides stock photos to organizations for use in their marketing materials? Because a lot of your 'Ask Hubski' posts seem to have awesome topical photos to go along with them :)
Thanks! Just google images. Also, great table man!