Haha I usually say staying straight is just as great, and just because you don't smoke doesn't mean you shouldn't recognize the fallacy of the laws prohibiting it. Ah well, I think things are looking up now - two states legalized it, more are likely to follow, eventually the world will catch on. Who knows, maybe I'm right - maybe we'll get out of all these global issues with oil, climate change, energy, etc, as a result of the domino effect that may be caused by the legalization of pot and hemp. Probably just wishful thinking though.
Well, I doubt we'll fix EVERYTHING because of legalization of marijuana. But it may help some. I don't really like the idea of me not being myself (I even hate laughing gas at the dentist), but it's not my job to tell people how to live. Also, I'm actually from CO, and will hopefully be moving back there soon. I miss those mountains!
Well in weed's defense you're hardly anything other than yourself, I think you (and a lot of other people) get this misconception from alcohol. Alcohol makes you "not yourself" and really destroys your judgement, weed does quite the opposite. It's kind of hard to describe, the closest thing I could think of is that you sort of become a younger version of yourself, albeit with the same, if not better judgement. And yeah, it probably won't fix everything, but like I said I reckon there could be a domino effect resulting from it. You have to admit, the world accepting pot would be a big deal - that would pave the way for the world accepting many new, good things, like renewable energy sources and space exploration (in my dreams...).
I highly recommend it, at least once! Even if it's not your thing, which is perfectly fine, I think anyone should experience it at least once just to see what it's like. There's really no bad that will come from it. Plus, you can easily control how high you actually get. Sure, if you smoke a whole lot the first time you will probably be very overwhelmed, if not repulsed, but if you take it easy you'll definitely enjoy it.
Sorry to jump in the conversation so late, but I agree that it's something that everyone should enjoyfully experience at least once. I have a friend who, on his first time, decided to smoke a whole gram by himself. Very bad idea. Now he's repulsed by it, which is funny, because he gets drunk every night. Like AlwaysOnTime said, it is very difficult to explain. I can't vouch for it being a more youthful self because I'm a week shy of being 21. However, I'd say that it gives you a more acute understanding of your surroundings. So, while you as a whole may not understand what is going on all around you, what your eyes/thoughts are focused on leads to a world of thought and imagination. Where people go wrong with it is that they confuse being high with their reality (kind of like in Inception). It's all about appreciating it for what it is, and realizing that sober life is just as awesome.
I just saw this! Happy birthday! Try to get out of your job and move to Colorado this year.
Oh, happy early birthday! By the way, this is a great page I found some time ago that tries to describe what being high feels like (and gets pretty close, I think). Definitely take a look! Link