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Wouldn't this start be most likely dead at this point? If we're seeing it now, the light we're looking at must be billions years old. I would assume it has gone out long ago but that hasn't reached us yet. Thanks for the great article.
Oh, I also didn't notice the hyperlink there. Great post, thanks for that!
You're right about the anomaly part, and I really hope what you say holds true in the future. Nevertheless, we won't have a perfect world, but hopefully things will get better.
This is heartening to hear, but when you think about it, isn't it true that the next generation is also likely to get stuck up (and possibly exploit) some social or economic (or political) issue, and 60 years from now we can say the same for them (that they're dying out and everything will be cool)? Or do you think that we're reaching a point where basically everyone is relatively reasonable about everything and society will be overall better? I feel like you can argue for both, but in the latter's defense, life 50 or 100 years ago was a LOT worse than it is now, for everyone. Perhaps progress really can't be stopped, and maybe we're almost at the "finish" line. That said, come new technologies and ideas/concepts (such as transhumanism or augmentation), there are likely to be new groups of people that will be persecuted and exploited by our own, supposedly liberal generation.
There's a book about him too.
I'm a high school student though right now I do some free lance web design and video editing work, which is nice as I like both of those things. What I really want to do though is make environment art for games (or just games in general, but that's a big too vague). I'm an aspiring 3d artist and I'd like to specialize in environments because the idea of creating a virtual world out of my imagination that someone else can explore and experience fascinates me. It's quite literally like inviting someone into my mind.
Yeah I noticed that with the title too - I think the editor was just having a messy day, I'm sure he meant most anticipated. Also, my friends and I were working on a game similar to Dead State, but not turn based. Unfortunately we kind of hit a brick wall when everyone's lives got busy and we haven't had the opportunity to develop, but hopefully we will get back to it sometime.
YES. I'm from the Ukraine (I live in the US though) but I have some relatives in St. Petersburg. It's such a beautiful city - old, but beautiful. No skyscrapers or anything, but still full of life and young people just as modern as in the US. It's a wonderful place, I love it. And the white nights, oh how I want to witness them.
I'm... I'm sorry
I kind of have to agree with kleinbl00. I don't see why you're taking away this optional user functionality from us. You realize that now people are just going to be searching for tags instead of following them? It's going to be basically the same thing, but with more annoyance to the users. I think this is an unnecessary change. I get what you're saying about it being contrary to what hubski is about, but if you want tags to go away you'd have to remove them completely. I'm willing to bet that most new users are going to be making threads over and over about where the follow tag functionality is, since you can just search for them. I hope you will reconsider this. It really didn't change all that much since the search is still available, but now it's just more tedious. If you really think tags are going to ruin hubski, then remove them entirely (but then I'll probably lose a lot of interest in the site, as will some others I reckon). Just my two cents.
ESO is really nothing special in my opinion, they're just rehashing the WoW formula and slapping the Elder Scrolls name on it. Also, Zigfrak looks really cool, albeit a strange name. I'm downloading the demo now to check it out.
Ah, yeah, understood. Well again, I think this won't be so much a problem because of Hubski's emphasis on following users and tags. Guess we'll see how things will turn out!
What do you mean by a 'commons' effect, can you explain? I don't think there would be competition because we still have the user following feature. So does it really matter whether posts will 'compete' or not, if users still have followers who are likely to read and look at their posts?
Yeah, I'd like to second this. Also how do you share? I don't see a button to share this post anywhere, for instance. I feel like a five year old. Edit: Nevermind, it's just the hubski circle thing. Here, watch this.
The only reason America went to the moon was because we sent Sputnik into space and the Americans got scared (I'm Ukrainian so I'm kind of from the other side of the coin here). We didn't do much else so when they realized that they stopped giving a damn. It's pathetic, really. America just wanted to win.
Trust me, you have no idea. Maybe you might act like you're high on weed a little bit, but an acid trip is a whole another dimension and there's no way I can even describe it to you (and noone really can, so take anything anyone says about it with a grain of salt, except that you shouldn't take too much of it).
I just went on an acid trip today (my first real one, where I really had the whole experience) and what you're saying is really the type of thought that I've been having all day, lol.
Yeah. The world could use a good night's sleep, haha. I love the way you put that.
Get the Russians to try to go to space again?
Hopefully so. If only we get enough people to start dreaming again!
Oh, happy early birthday! By the way, this is a great page I found some time ago that tries to describe what being high feels like (and gets pretty close, I think). Definitely take a look! Link
As far as I'm aware, those petitions are pretty meaningless though :\ Look how many have gotten the signatures only to to get some excuse of a response as to why they can't do anything about it (like the big one about marijuana some time back).
Watched the Tyson one... Really inspiring. I wish people paid more attention to space and people like him. Pretty late over here, will watch the others tomorrow. Best of luck with your jazz studies! And yeah, I realized that even if I could get a job I'd always be underpaid just for not having a degree. Pretty much how things work nowadays.
It's absolutely relevant, it's probably not a quality degree on it's own, but as something to compliment my skills and buy me some more time before "getting out into the world" while doing what I love is something I can't turn down. Also, awesome thread. Thanks again!
Oh my god, thank you so much for that video. It sums up my philosophy on life and passions so well. I actually wasn't going to go to college until recently, when I found a rather relevant program for myself. I also live in NYC so that video hit quite close to home (well, home is on the other side of the planet but I do live here now).
I think that's a great idea, thanks for the analogy you made! I'll give it all a shot, either way I'm happy with the site so far!
Well, simply put, video games. Not necessarily playing them, either. I'm an aspiring developer, 3d artist to be exact but also do some programming, and the reason it makes me so happy is because it's my absolute passion. All I want to do in life is, in the large scale of things, pour my imagination into virtual worlds and allow others to experience them. On the smaller level, I mainly specialize in environment art, but I hope to be a team lead for a game project someday in the future to really create one out of my head. But even if I won't get there, I'll still be happy being a grunt artist for whatever company I settle at, or maybe start my own. I love it more than anything else, and my work is what I live for. Other than that, I just love life. I love my friends (only the two, but I don't need more), I love my heritage and culture, I love everything I find fascinating and interesting and most importantly, no matter what happens, I always look at the bright side of life! Also marijuana.