It's good that people can make fun of Rush's drug problem. People rarely mention Hilary's pathological lying, or Bill's Duchovney-esque sexual addiction every single time the name comes up. But you are right on about the protected action. I say that everyone has the same free speech rights and same 4th amendement protections as the "special" ones "given" to the press. Fark that, everyone should be able to protest email and phone record searches. -XC
Not only is it good, it's proper that they do since Rush not only does the same, he uses the disease of addiction to shame and discredit his political rivals, and uses it as one would a slur. The best remedy for that sort of thing is reminding people that the messenger is guilty of behavior he is attacking others for engaging in.It's good that people can make fun of Rush's drug problem.
They may not mention it regarding Bill, but somewhere in their heads they are thinking about it. If you were of age during it, the epic impeachment process and the media frenzy that surrounded it means you cannot disassociate him from it. For example: OJ Simpson What did you just think of? Kudos to you if the answer was either, football, the Naked Gun movies or Hertz rental car.
I think mk's "glass house" comment is spot on. When you live by the sword...
So when Hilary finger-wags and they don't mention her serial pathological lying and a 25+ year investment in a sham marriage, that's not a glass house double standard? When Bill gets on the campaign trail as a surrogate for Obama and accuses Romney of lying or Rand of saying kooky stuff, nobody mentions his gigantic history of sexual harassment (proven), financial scandals, etc, etc? Nope, no double standard here, move right along..... Did you hear Leno last night? Fox is changing their tagline from "Fair and Balanced" to "I told you so!" -XC
Only because he throws so many stones from that glass house. But, yes, I am aware of Hillary's truth issues. Everyone is aware of Bill's issue. Absolutely agree on the second point. Both parties failing us there. It seems a systemic problem.It's good that people can make fun of Rush's drug problem.