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I'll try to visit at least once a day. Usually in the evenings when I get into bed, using my tablet. But if I'm having a particularly slow day or if there's a post very interesting to me, I may jump on throughout the day to read responses.
I listen to a lot more free music from small independent artists than I do famous ones. I'll favourite your site and check back frequently! :) Well done on making your idea a reality.
Enjoy yourself! I'd love a trip like that right now. :)
This is exciting news! Congratulations on your new role, rob05c. I also look forward to getting my hands on the source and possibly helping -voluntarily- as and when I can. (No promises! :P)
Funnily enough my morning routine is often spontaneous and dependent on what I did the day before or what I'm doing later in the day. More often than not I'll wake up, go straight into the kitchen and put the kettle on. From here on it starts changing day-to-day. I might either make cereal, toast, or just have a banana. Whilst I eat and drink my coffee I'll read a couple news stories online. Now today I went for a cycle ride, but other days I might run or work out. But it depends if I'm doing anything in the evening or if I did something big the day before. After I've returned home, I'll quickly jump in the shower, then make myself some lunch for the day. If I've got a bit of time I'll chat on IRC, but will soon be heading off to work!
That's a really nice song! I'm very open to music, and rarely saying "X is my favourite genre". Along with whatever else is going on in my life, I know the season has a big part in what I want to listen to. I can't imagine in the heart of Winter when it's dark at 5pm, cold and raining, I'd want to listen to this. But for right now it just fits so perfect!
I'm very much a morning person. Even though I don't start work until 9am, I wake up between 5am and 6am every morning, even weekends. This gives me enough time to do something like running, cycling, or work out before going to work. However because of this I find myself feeling really sleep around 10pm every evening. So my usual rituals would be either watching an unknown Twitch stream (few viewers, less interaction), or watching an episode of something on the BBC iPlayer. That's purely routine, since I don't take in anything I watch, and I always fall asleep about 10-15 minutes after getting into bed. But I honestly believe it's the getting up early and having a somewhat active lifestyle which helps me fall asleep so quickly.
Fantastic work, thundara!
I've recently discovered Tropical House, and especially with all this warm sunny summer weather we've been having, it's fantastic to listen to. I usually just find a playlist or mix on soundcloud with 400+ songs and stick it on shuffle.
He literally just uploaded a new video! Enjoy!
I have only recently gotten into cycling, after my brother-in-law and I swapped bikes. He was after my mountain bike and I was after his road bike. I'm not really sure where it stands in the world of real cyclists, but it's a (red and black) Raleigh AirLite 200. It has sora-shifters which I'd never even heard of until I had to use them. But it's great fun, and I can see this is going to be a new hobbie! I usually go out before work for a 15km cycle along the beach, and I'm trying to organise some longer cycle rides with some friends. I've preemptively signed up for the London to Brighton cycle ride in September, so I should really get training for that. :D
freenode is by far the biggest network and ideal for a community like this. Other networks like EFnet or synIRC would also be a viable option, but I think unless we have a real reason to move there I'd say go with freenode. Let's just hope we can get the #hubski channel name sorted out and redirect ##hubski to it.
I would not in any way consider myself a musician, however at the start of this year I bought myself a piano and have told myself I will one day be a master of it! ... That said, I keep going through phases of playing it for hours a day to barely touching it for an entire week. Seeing as we're over half-way through the year now and I'm still not disciplined enough to keep playing regularly on my own, it's probably time I get a teacher to keep me in order and give me classes throughout the week.
Many good points, thundara. As a long-time IRC'er with multiple servers and channels connected 24/7, I do think it's time to make a more official channel for Hubski, even if it's not run on our own hardware. I'd also agree that #hubski would be better than ##hubski on freenode (my first recommendation for an existing network), but I suspect the freenode staff won't hand it over so quickly without some sort of verification from a site admin/owner.
Welcome, TheFairyGuineapig! I'm relatively new myself, but absolutely love the community already. Myself and a few others tend to hangout on IRC quite regularly, with some weekly events to bring in more people. I'd highly recommend it! But as for where I am, I live in Brighton, England. It's an absolute blast down here, if you get the chance come and visit! How long have you been in London?
Even though I was out till about 11pm last night drinking far too much vodka, I managed to get up at 5am this morning. Went for a 5.5km run, did 45 minutes of high intensity circuit training, then ran 5.5km back, all before work at 9am. :D I've now been at work for over 6 hours, sat at my desk. :( On the weekend I participated in my first local Park Run which had almost 400 people show up! It was an awesome experience and I'd totally recommend finding one close to yourself! I'm in two minds about this evening. It'd be nice to go out on the hottest day of the year so far, but also I should probably take it easy and have a relaxing evening in.
Hahaha, and I thought there was no better way to spend my time. You've certainly proven me wrong. :P
Checkout :D
I just watched all of his videos. They are absolutely awesome! I'd love to have a place where I could try and do this type of thing. But my life has become so urban, there's literally nowhere for hundreds of miles where I could do this without being noticed. Maybe it's time to reconsider my life and move to the Australian outback. Haha.