Beers tend to be a personal thing, they're a lot like bands or albums in that they can define chunks of your life. Oh, in 2001 I was totally drinking sierra nevada pale ale before anyone else was.... They are time stamps, in the sense that we can see a photo of ourselves from years ago, see the beer in our hand and say, "oh yeah, that was 6 years ago, back when I was drinking "X".
What is your "X" right now?
For me, it's Bells Two Hearted Ale, it has been for about 3 years now. I'm ready for a new go-to beer which is why I'm posting this.
I'll take your responses seriously.
So how about it? What is your favorite beer?
If I am anywhere near Belgium (because everywhere else its waaaay too expensive) it would be Tripel Karmeliet. It has a flowery smell and tastes amazing! It also has around 8% alcohol. Two of those and I am good. If I am visiting Ulm again, I go for my favorite Hefeweizen which is Barfüßer Bier. Out of all the south german wheat beers I tried (and I tired many in the 6 years I lived there) this brewery made the best ones. Its a small one that only sells to some shops in the area. If you are ever in the area, go there!
Every time my dad comes up to visit he brings a couple bottles of Russian River's Pliny the Elder. I've inherited his thing for high-AC beers. This is a damn good one. Apparently RR makes a limited release called "Pliny the Younger," but I hear you have to line up at the dispersal points as soon as it's available, and then it goes like hotcakes. I was just talking with OftenBen I think about Green Flash beers. Have yet to meet a Green Flash I didn't like.
I found that Club Mate was a good replacement for when I wanted a non-sweet drink but didn't want any beer. It's super popular in Berlin. Based on the South American Mate tea. It's sort of like non-sweet iced tea. Too bad the bottles go for 5$ in Canada. I did find some for 3$ in the states but that's still too expensive for a damn soft drink.
I've been drinking a lot of Unibroue beer lately. It's a big local brewery and their beers have been on sale this past month. My favorites from them are the white beer (Blanche de Chambly) and the Belgian Tripel (La Fin du Monde). It's nice beer: not too expensive for the quality because it's a pretty big brewery. Similar beers from smaller places are just way out of my budget.
Dieu De Ciel is also a really good QC brewery. I love Spice Route.
Can't think of my absolute favorite at the moment, but up there is definitely Young's Double Chocolate Stout. Creamy, not too sweet and fucking delicious.
Good choice with the Two Hearted. I don't know if I can pick just one beer though, there are so many! That's pretty great though. Founders fall seasonal American Pale.
Waitress in Armenia offered me a bottle of Westvleteren that rocked my world. It was apparently rare(?) and expensive as hell, holy shit. But it was deeeee-lish and sweet and tasted like the Middle Ages. Can't be a go-to beer though unless it's widely available in the U.S., I don't buy liquor or drink here so I wouldn't know. Uh, Miller genuine draft?
I'm a beer newb and haven't yet acquired the taste for it. Does anyone have any advice for someone that wants to get into drinking beer? I'm considering drinking a can of it every day so that I can work up the taste for it and it won't make me gag anymore. Was anyone else in a similar situation of needing to acquire the taste for it? What worked best for you? What should I avoid doing? Etc.
I'm not totally new, but kind of new. It really depends. Everything tastes totally different. If you have a friend that's really into beer, they could probably give you a taste or two, possibly guide you. Try a whole slew of types! Then go back to the beginning, try everything twice.
Ubu Ale from the Lake Placid Brewery, info can be found here.
I'm about three months into an experiment in sobriety. I'm planning to go at least a year not under the influence of drugs (sans caffeine and the occasional tobacco). It's been a while since I've been sober for a while and am curious to see how my cognitive abilities might behave after such a long time of sobriety. However, before I stopped, I recently aquired a new favorite: Hazelnut Brown Nectar by Rouge in Portland.
Prior to that it was Midas Touch by Dogfish Head.
Ugh. I hate to say it, but right now my price range is Miller High Life. Is it the beer I want to be drinking? No. But it's the beer I go to these days. I have expensive tastes, which I have come to grips with but unfortunately it also means that I can't enjoy myself as much as I am inclined to (which is probably a good thing, honestly). If we are talking favorite beer period, I don't think I could choose just one. However, I am a great lover of Belgian ales. The flavor profiles really strike me as what beer should taste like. Also, if I am eating sushi, I am very partial to Rogue's Morimoto Soba Ale. It's refreshing and drinkable, with enough complexity to satisfy my tastes, but I don't think it's for everyone as it is on the sweeter side. Again, I like this with sushi, because the funkiness of certain sushi really goes well with it.
Lately I've been drinking a lot of homebrew, with the milk stout and rye porter being my favorite of what we have right now, but when I haven't it's generally been one of the following:
Anyone ever tried Bell's Brewery's Hopslam? They only release it in February(-ish). Some insane amount of hops, but possibly so much (my personal theory), that it somehow overloads ones tastebuds and has a slight sweetness to it. I'm into IPA's, but this the 'Slam is different and unique in it's taste. At 12% ABV it is very efficient at delivering a nice buzz.
Saved for future reference :P Also, shameless plug for Solid Rock Brewing. Obviously I don't drink, but the founders are family friends.