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hubskier for: 4854 days
The links on the bottom are more interesting imo. Some interesting tidbits from them are.... Farmville gamers vote Republican. AC DC fans are more likely to vote Republican [wow] No Republicans seem to watch 30 Rock at all Apparently the only major fast food chain that has more Obama voters than Romney voters is Chipotle. [Chick Fila obviously is very right wing]
wow, they completely missed the obvious "alternate" conclusion here. An alternate [and imo more likely] conclusion here is that the kids who ate the marshmallow immediately were more likely to become obese... because they have stronger cravings for food. Duh
Well we all know how stylish it looks when it seems like a website was written by a typewriter (¬_¬)
It'll never work. The percentage of people willing to pay $50/year on a social network is so small that it will run into the same problems Google+ has, but much much worse [those problems being that, for a social network to be attractive, everyone has to be on it]. Also, for me atleast, it was never the ads that were why I hate Facebook, it was the privacy issue, and the fact that people use it to be attention whores and stalkers.
I feel like this article was poorly written. He states in the beginning that crowdfunding isn't worth it, which drew me into reading the article - but by the time I got to the end it was like he left out 4 paragraphs explaining why it isn't worth it. The only reason given seemingly is that there are fees and you have to pay taxes on profits. But -everyone- who goes into it already knows those things. Anyway, I think crowdfunding is a great thing, and I hope it continues to grow.
Cool. I'll probably have lots of ideas, if you actually want me to annoy you with them :D