Today brings a significant change to the layout of Hubski.
There were two primary objectives behind this effort: 1) to give content more space, and 2) to make navigation a bit more intuitive. I am happy to discuss our thinking behind the redesign below.
It is likely that we will make some adjustments as we go forward.
As always feedback is much appreciated.
I miss the "joined" info in a users profile. I like to see how long they've been on the site. It's valuable information imo.
Love it. Though the searchmag image seems to be floating in the middle of the page just below the top bar, at least in ugly.
How it looks in Chrome on windows 7 I do like the Office theme as the contrast between text and background is easy on the eye. As far as the menu goes i Understand My Feed, Chatter and Community But Badges and the 9 Flower icons dont make much sense at first glance also the yellow Icon for the badge is not destinctive enough from the normal flowwer for me to work out what it means i asumed it was just yellow because it was full. Basicaly you have the flower as a device to indicate for + 1 , Likes, upvotes its a metric a way of quickly showing the state of a comment or post IE its popular or it isnt.
I think it is confusing when everything else uses the same icon. or
I like it, and see it as an improvement. I like how there is no longer the need to go to global, then go to the different hub-wheel-levels to see the global stuff, it's just right there for me to click on. I prefer the top menu as opposed to left menu. I agree that it gives more room for the content, which will help a lot more on tablet/mobile devices, as well as just plain looks nicer on a computer. Looks nice!
Thanks! Sorry for the short downtime right after the roll out. I've been messing around with this layout for the last few days, and I have become to prefer it. I hope that is the general consensus. This is better on mobile, IMO. However, I'd like to make some mobile-specific adjustments to the top nav to improve that even more.
I didn't even notice any downtime. I've been at work since 6pm CT upgrading banking websites. Glad to see when I finally did get some "internet time" to see the new look on Hubski. :)
I leave for one weekend and you guys break everything!
I like the new layout. Actually just joined right before you changed the layout and I think it's better. It looks great on my desktop PC but when I used my netbook, I can't see the followers and badges options because my screen is too small. Is there any way I can fix this?
One way to do it would be to add a couple lines of CSS so that the two top "boxes" display below one another instead of overlapping on screen sizes under 900px (ish) it would solve the probelm. It already does this when the screen gets to 500px (ISH!!!) so maybe just up that number.
I'm fairly certain there are a few working on a mobile version.
I like the search "magnifying glass" in the corner to save space but can you make it so that when you click on it your curser is automatically in the search box? Just a small thing.
Do you think that should exist for the "reply" box/button too? edit: as well as the "add a comment" button?
I use mail a lot. I was afraid I would miss it too but really it's as easy as clicking your name, then clicking "mail". Also, I sometimes forget that if I click on another users name I can directly send them mail from their profile by clicking "send mail to..".
Top search bar wonkiness. Zooming in at certain intervals hides content (link to name) that can't be navigated to without continuing to resize further until it appears again. At least in mobile safari on iPhone 4 and iOS 6.whateverthelatestversionis. Other than that, no issues on this awesome update so far.
Sorry, here you go: If you zoom in a bit to fill the screen with the posts, a lot of the nav links disappear off screen and scrolling around with your thumb won't bring them back into view. The only thing that does is zooming back out, or in much further where they will suddenly pop back into view like so: Here I can now click my name again, but I had to zoom in far past the point where the post is readable. See what I'm saying? Not sure if anybody else is running into this.
When you're on your iPhone, and you zoom in there is certain information that is no longer accessible because the top bar overtakes it. I think this may be what ecib is referring to.
I'm showing 1 follower on the follower icon, though i have 15?
I seem to have a little bugski. Not sure why, but on this one post there is no hubwheel:
The only thing that is sort of confusing me is the left margin changes between the feed and the comments page. Is there a reason you did this?
looks great strieght away the Submit button feels more acessable the menu down the left hand side always felt at odds to me I am a big advocate of F-Layout design. This layout also lends itself better for Mobile id still love to see a mobile version when viewd on mobiles. I dont quite understand what the 9 Flower icons are for they take up a lot of space for the limited function they have. If its view by popularity this could be achived with a lot less space IE use 2 icons or a slider
There is some strange bug in crome that doesn't always manifest in the same way every time. When the page is magnified 125% the top of a post page will be cut off from the top bar. It seems to always start cutting off at 175%. I often have the page magnified a bit so I can sit back from the screen and read. People with vision difficulties probably always read at higher magnification, so it might be nice to kill this bug. I like to look at changes a bit before I decide if I like them or not, but it's very clean. I usually like clean ui's. I bet this will be nice to use.
Small thing mk! I don't like where the bio goes in user profiles now. Seems like it could go under the username on the right in all that blank space, or else stay columnized on the left under "interested in." As it is, it just shoots across the bottom haphazardly. Anyone else with me? Can't stress how fantastic this looks -- loved losing most of the "popup" style menus, makes navigability much easier.
Just came back to hubski after a busy week. Looks fantastic mk. Mobile browsing is not perfect yet, ( but on my laptop it seems nice. A few small things: - The logout button could be a little farther to the left and down. Maybe centred over the search button. It seems a little far out there right now.
- The "my feed" could be changed to "feed", I don't think "my" is neccesary Also, I friggen love the profile pages. Makes mine look a lot less cluttered than before. Thanks mk.
Nice work mk. I particularly like it in "spring" because the bordered "green" gives the page more definition. I also like the yellow of the submit buttons, makes it easy to see. The site seems much larger now that their is more width. It really makes quite a difference. Having the global up-top will definitely increase my likelihood to go hunting for posts too. Great work!
Just for people who are out of the know, #enhancement for updates on HES.
I really like it mk. My only comment would be to make it a little more narrow. There is a lot of white space underneath "hubski" and all of my personal info, and then you would have even more space for the content. And all of my information doesn't actually fit (probably because my name is a little long). My follower number is pushed beneath to the next line.
Oh my browser screen wasn't on full screen! It is narrow now! So that was just an issue because my screen was minimized. But the follower number is still pushed down. Either way, I really love it. Great work.
I think I like it. It definitely looks a bit more friendly.